Page 204 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 204
Powers of Focus
Are you able to concentrate on your studies? Don’t you find them boring to an extent
which nobody could imagine? There are loads of reasons for it. But the flaw that we have to
overcome is addiction of smartphones, social media, internet, T.V that seems to be a trap
which doesn’t let you focus and makes you stick to them. Even while you are reading this,
you might want to take just a peek at your mobile, don’t you? There is a thousand ways to
concentrate: listen to music while studying, switch you mobile off etc. But the main
problem is ‘why is there no interest in me to study’, ‘I am studying because I am forced to.
Why?’, ‘From where does this love come from for studies?’. It just needs a strong reason for
you to study. All one needs to do is to find an inspiration which entices our interest inn
studies. You will thousands of excuses even when you know it’s an “excuse”. But just one
reason is not sufficient to study. One needs a burning desire to study. For the subjects you
like, studying them and excelling won’t be a matter of concern. But what about the
subjects you don’t like? It wouldn’t be, obviously, recommended to give them step-
motherly treatment. It would not be hard for the distractions around to their job while you
are studying your least favourite subject.
Suppose you are given an option to watch a movie which is in your bucket list or study a
tedious subject. Without a losing a forsaken second, we will choose fun over studies. But
our lives would be embellished if we endure the pain of studies. A famous saying, ‘No pain,
no gain’ absolutely expressed my idea in no time. Our mind, which is very powerful, needs
a bridle to control it. Is that invisible bridle powerful enough to prevent an inevitable
chaos? Yes. All you need to do is to hold it firmly and ascend towards a bright future.
Remind yourselves that studies are part of my life. And certainly, give you 100% no matter
what! Strive hard till you achieve what you want.
Shifa Momin - VIII B
pirEama ka mah%va
naaOka kBaI Kud nahIM calatI¸
ptvaar sao calaanaI pD,tI hO.
kxaa maoM p`qama eosao hI nahIM Aato¸
rat idna pZ,a[- krnaI pD,tI hO.
rataoMrat kao[- EaoYz nahIM bana jaata¸
saalaaoM AByaasa krnaa pD,ta hO.
isaf- svaPna doKnaa kaÔI nahIM hO¸
]nhoM hkIkt maoM badlanaa pD,ta hO¸
pirEama hI saflata kI kuMjaI hO¸
pirEama kr haisala krnaa pD,ta hO. Tia Vasudeva - VI C
?d\iQa jaOna - VIII A