Page 209 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 209
service has helped students realise that helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real
difference to the lives of people, animals and organisations in need. Volunteering has
proved to be an avenue to explore areas in which students express interest. It has helped
students to evolve as compassionate and empathetic individuals. Our students regularly
participate in all community-related tasks like cleaning of the ponds, visiting old age
homes, orphanages and have realised how their role leaves a mark on the community.
Secondary and Senior Students are encouraged to indulge in community volunteering service. Volunteering
Secondary School Highlights
At the Secondary and Senior Secondary School, the curriculum shifts its emphasis from
general to core subject-focused specialised content. The concepts in different disciplines are
dealt with in-depth and rigour. This is a stage where students identify their subjects of
interest for future learning and get a better understanding of their career path. Thus, at this
stage, they are better informed to select the subjects and streams of their choices and
aptitude. The curriculum emphasizes basic facts and conceptual understanding, processes
and skills, application of knowledge acquired, use of technology, etc. While the curriculum
focuses on achieving these subject-based objectives, it also develops a positive attitude to
think and analyse logically, reasoning abilities, problem-solving approaches, and
interdisciplinary learning. These stages of curriculum delivery emphasise on knowledge
Enthusiastic participation in all aspects of Secondary and Senior Secondary School life
including lessons, co-curricular activities, social service, excursions, camps and leadership
opportunities, help develop skills,
knowledge and personal
character. These experiences,
both inside and outside the
classroom, combine to broaden
and deepen students'
understanding of themselves
and their world. The
programmes at these levels aim
to develop a sense of personal
reflection, considered action
and to develop a sense of
wonder of the world around
them. This is also achieved by
the close relationship between
learners, teachers and parents,
within the context of our
broader community.
The school has an extensive remediation
plan to provide support and guide the
academically weaker students. The
students are identified on the basis of their
performance in the examinations, result
analysis and teacher observation. The
remedial classes are arranged during the
lighter periods such as activity, library and
games so that additional learning lapses
are not created. Enrichment classes are
conducted for the high achievers to
provide more opportunities for their
extension of knowledge and nurture their
creativity. Differentiated worksheets are also
designed to cater to diverse groups of
learners. In these different level worksheets,
varying degrees of scaffolding questions are
provided to suit students’ needs. High
achievers are encouraged to solve
challenging questions and they also delve
deeper into the subject. Enrichment
classes encourage divergent thinking
among the students by letting them be a
part of brainstorming sessions, projects,
peer group learning and group discussions.
The College Counselling Programme, with
the assistance of internal resources and
external experts, supports the students in
selecting the appropriate combination of
subjects that would suit their aspirations and
aptitudes, and also to help them in their
career choices. The career counselling
sessions provided the students and parents
with the necessary insight regarding various
career options available after class 12 and the
required subject combinations to be offered
at the Senior Secondary School.