Page 207 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 207


        What has four fingers and a thumb but is not alive?
        - A glove.

        What is at the end of the rainbow?

        - The letter ‘w’.

        What is a seven-letter word containing thousands of

        - Mailbox.

        Three doctors said that Robert was their brother.

        Robert said that he had no brothers. Who is lying?
        - Nobody lied. The doctors were his sisters.

        How can you add eight 6’s together so that the total

        adds up to 750?                                                     Lavisha Mehta - VIII C
        - 666 + 66 + 6 + 6 +6 = 750
                                                                             maaJa vadnaIya dvat…Aa[            -
        What was the longest river in the world before the
        Amazon river was discovered?                                         BaUmaatocyaa gaBaa-maQaunaI
        - The Amazon was the longest even when it wasn’t                     baIjaaMkuraMcaa janma haotaoÊ

        discovered by the world.                                             %yaaxaNaI majalaa maaJyaa
                                                                             Aa[-caaca Baasaca haotaoº
        There has never been a single airplane that has
        successfully landed at the airport in Cincinnati. How                saumanaaMcyaa saugaMQaanao
                                                                             Gar AMgaNa ho p`sanna haotoÊ
        can this be?
                                                                             tsaoca Aa[-cyaa sahvaasaanao
        - There are no airports in Cincinnati.
                                                                             jaIvana AMgaNa bah$naI yaotoº
        Devank Jagnani - VI C
                                                                             gaulaabaacyaa kaTo jasao
                                                                             %yaa fulaaMcao Ais%a%va japtatÊ
                                                                             tsaoca Aa[-caa kNaKrpNaahI

                                                                             maulaaMnaa jabaabadar banavatatº
                                                                             p`kaSaacaa ek ikrNa jasaa

                                                                             pavasaacyaa qaoMbaatUna saPtrMga GaDivataoÊ
                                                                             tsaoca Aa[-caI maayaa itcyaa

                                                                             maulaaMcao BaavarMga fulaivataoº
                                                                             Aa[- kQaI BaUmaata kQaI fulaacaa saugaMQa

                                                                             kQaI gaulaabaacaa kaTa tr kQaI
                                                                             p`kaSaacaa ikrNaÊ

                                                                             mhNaUnaca hIca maaJaI Aa[- maaJao vaMdnaIya
                                                                             sauhasya dOvatº

        Shriyadita Bhowal - VI C                                             vaOdohI dLvaI - VII C

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