Page 203 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 203

The Last Two Months                                                            pazSaalaa

        In  those  busy  daysWhen  we  had  time  for  none                       pZ,a[-¹ilaKa[- QaUma¹QaamaÊ

        Meeting someone during those working hoursWas                               saba hO hmaara kama.
        considered as an act of dignitywe could have ever                       ijasa jagah pr yah hao kamaÊ
                                                                                 pazSaalaa hO ]saka naama.

        Ruling the natureWas considered as a piece of cake                  daostaoM kao icaZ,anaaÊ TIcar ka pZ,anaaÊ
        But  this  was  the  biggest  mistake,above  all  the                        hmaoM hO saba iP`aya.

        reckless acts We humans ever made.
                                                                                  Balao hI haota hO saalaanaaÊ
        Shattering  our  hopes  and  imaginationCame  this                        TIcar¹mammaI kao imalaanaa.

        deadly  virusReady  to  engulf  thoseWho  thought                         Kanao ko va@t hma JaUmatoÊ
        servants could rule over masters.
                                                                                 naacatoÊ gaatoÊ Kanaa Kato.
        It  caged  us  in  Distancing  us  from  the  land  we             CTTI hana pr hma fr sa Gar Baaga jaat.
        destroyed, from the rivers we poisonedAnd from the                  jaba [tnao va@t KuSaI ko yahaÐ ibataeÊ
        air we polluted.                                                                 tao janaabaÑ
        Staying in, did I perceiveThe importance of life,Of                  [sa jagah kao hma kOsao BaUla paeÐ..
        how to be elatedWhen you are in tough times.                               irwI isanha - VII A

        Looking upon world issuesI became empathic about
        people’s lives,Every demise gives me a painful scarIn

        which I can sense the sorrowful cries.

        I realized the wondrous power of humanityIn today’s

        harsh timesAnd to give a voice to voiceless  Who
        have been suffering because of our dreadful crimes!
        inspire a new generation.

        Saanvi Bhaskar - VIII B

        Dream to Mars

        She gave me a rose I smelled with my noseShe told
        me to see the stars As i had a dream to mars

        Asteroids weren’t even far away Soil and rust made
        its own wayThis red planet was a mystery She told
        me to make a history

        Finally,  I  went  to  mars  on  my  dreams  Red  was
        everything that it seemsI opened my eyes and woke
        up from sleep Finally, the dream made me creep                      Shanell Anand - VIII B

        Sheersh Agarwal - VIII C

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