Page 199 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 199

Exam Fever

                                                  Exams  are  approaching  fast,Some  students  are

                                                  burning  oil,While  others  are  completing  their
                                                  practical file.

                                                  Results will be out when the heat of the sun will be

                                                  scorching,Almost all students have become careful
                                                  about their studies,Careful enough to neglect their


                                                  Some  students  want  to  get  division,While  others

                                                  have done so much revision,So, yes, they may get the

                                                  What  I  suggest  to  all  students,There  is  no  fun  in
        Lavishsa Mehta - VIII C
                                                  taking so stress,Instead, prepare well and take exams
        ihmaalaya pva-t                           seriously,Pray to God!So that the result makes you

        ]cca ihmaalaya pva-trajaÊ
        KD,a phna kr ihma ka taja.                Medhansh Agarwal - VII B

        }Ðcaa mastk rK idna¹ratÊ                  The Art of Falling
        Aasamaana sao krta baat.
                                                  The other day I was playing and running aroundThe
        maoGaaoM kao dota hO raokÊ                next thing I knew I was on the ground I went to home

        krto jaao carNaaoM maoM zaok.             and applied and antiseptic  although it didn't seem
        AaÐQaI sao AD, jaata vaIrÊ                very hectic

        kao[- Sai@t sako [sao na tIr.             You see, I fall a bunch and whenever I fall, I hear a crutch

        [sa pr maana saraovar JaIlaÊ              Sometimes my skin is gashed Or my joint is smashed
        sajjana mana maoM jaOsao SaIla.           There comes an injury and then it goes  How and

        ]cca ihmaalaya pva-trajaÊ                 where  it  goes,  who  knowsSome  might  say  to  be
        KD,a phna kr ihma ka taja.                stalling But I call it the art of following

        vaIyaa DMgayaaca - VII A                  Here and their world wide People are falling to their
                                                  side I do sometimes fall on the floor It is sometimes
                                                  not bad, sometime sore

                                                  You must to balanced and I am too  But I fall a lot
                                                  maybe as all do I slipped yesterday when it was raining
                                                  and now my foot is paining

                                                  I have fallen on trip and turns  it is aided but still it
                                                  burns Rush me to the hospital!  I am calling and I love

                                                  to call it the part of falling
        Shashwat Singhal - VII A                  Kunal Chandola - VIII C

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