Page 195 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 195
Modern life patterns affect our health in
different aspects physically, socially and
psychologically. Promoting healthy lifestyle
includes proper eating and physical activity. All
these have positive impacts which we can get in
practicing yoga. Yoga reduces the risk of getting
many diseases which result from our day to day
lifestyle. The word ‘Yoga’ derives from a Sanskrit
word, ‘Yuj’, which means to join or attach. It is an
activity which originated from our country. It is
not just an exercise of outer body; it is an activity
which is a mental exercise. Yoga makes our brain
Divyanshi Jain - VIII C
calm and our soul feel good. To perform yoga, we
don’t need any equipment; only the person doing
it should have a correct knowledge of yoga. It saMsaar pustk hO
should be practiced regularly as it helps avoid saMsaar maoM hOM iCpo Axar¸
diseases and keeps us fit.
hr AMSa sao pUCao p`Sna tao imalaogaa ]<ar.
Akhila Vaddepally - VII B
pUCao jaIvana caË hO kOsaaÆ
phlao AMDa yaa baccaa @yaa hO AataÆ
phlao [Msaana kao iksanao isaKayaaÆ
My Pet Dog
raonaa¸ saaÐsa laonaa ]sao kOsao AayaaÆ
Alex: My little bundle of joy!
@yaa DIºenaºeºmaoM haotI hO p`aoga`aimaMgaÆ
Alex, as the name suggests, is the protector of pUCa jaba vaO&ainakaoM nao tao imalao ]<ar
mankind. Oh, such love! Such warmth, you
@yaaoMik saMsaar hI tao hO pustk.
would never find!
saMsaar maoM hI p`Sna¸ ]samaoM hI ivacaar¸
He is brown in colour, silky soft and round…
]samaoM hI ]<ar iCpo hOM maoro yaar²
You would never find him with a frown. kdmakdma pr kraoD,aoM p`Sna¸
He is a Rockstar with the finest personality… fUla¸ poD, paOQaaoM sao BaI¸
He jumps, he barks, he plays, he loves, he laughs! pUCao kuC yaar.
He is the sweetest of all friends and will walk with p`Sna svayaM Kaojaao¸
you till the end. Kud ZUÐZaoM ]<ar¸
His playful and charming ways, Brighten our dull vaO&ainak–AaivaYkark bana jaaAaogao Aap.
and dry days. yahI hO saMsaar ka raja, ik ZUÐZaoM p`Sna hja,ar.
We love him so much! saMsaar pustk hO¸ [sao pZ,nao ka krao kama.
Augustya Pathak - VI B naIla daMDokr - VI A