Page 194 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 194

No Carry Bags

                                                  A hue and a cry, retailers charging for carry bags

                                                  Often considered a consumer's right, rampant

                                                  plastic bags still in circulation

                                                  To curb and reduce their irresponsible disposal

                                                  Adapt, 'polluters pay' principalSuch a move upset

                                                  However, retailers adopted the spirit of the directive
                                                  Impact was visible, Consumption reduced


                                                  A sensible, sustainable way

                                                  To encourage people to think about the larger cause.

        Arshit Singh - VI A                       Aditi Ananth - VIII C

        bacapna                              The Bright Light of my Family

        bacapna hO sabasao saunahra¸         When everywhere it’s dark and blackI see a bright light

        bacapna hO sabasao dulaara.          Now my family is my sightAnd again I start feeling bright.

        bacapna maoM maaÐ ka Pyaar caahto¸   When someone asks me“Who’s the tallest one you have
        bacapna maoM papa kI DaÐT Kato.      ever  seen?”I  say  it’s  my  father,Instead  of  some  other

        bacapna maoM kUdto AaOr ]Clato¸      Because  whenever  I’m  sadMy  dad  raises  me  to  a  great

        KUba Kato AaOr Kolato.               height.

        bacapna maoM maaOja mastI krto¸      When  some  one  asks  me“What’s  the  deepest  thing?”
        samaya ka palana nahIM krto.         I  answer,  it’s  the  heart  of  my  mother.Instead  of  saying

        bacapna maoM hma krto maja,odar kama¸  ocean or some other.Because my mom always says“Your

        CuT\TI manaato AaOr krto Aarama.     place  is  in  my
                                             heart, and hugs me
        bacapna maoM k[- daost bana jaato¸   tight And  again
        jaIvana Bar jaao saaqa inaBaato.
                                             I  start  feeling
        bacapna kI yaadaoM sao rhoM jauD,o hma¸  bright!”

        ijasasao AaÐKaoM maoM AaÐsaU Aa jaato.
                                             Hriday  Hablani  -
        Aivarla - VI A                       VIII A

                                                                      Himani Upadhyaya - VI A

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