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P. 200
War, Why? maorI AiBalaaYaa
War! War! War!Why has the human race kaSa² maOM ek pMCI haotI¸
come so far?Is this what almighty thought ]nmau@t Aasamaana maoM Apnao pMK Kaola ]D, patI.
When he created humans in a lot? Over the hr vaRxa pr baOz¸ Aarama sao sabakao doKtI¸
years what has happened? But the demon JaIla ko iknaaro baOz bahta panaI pI saktI.
has its curse Machines we have got But kaSa² maOM ek AQyaaipka haotI¸
human emotions we forgot?
saBaI Ca~aoM kao pZ,a patI¸
Small issues turn into massive wars Hatred AaOr Agar Sarart krto tao qaaoD,a DaÐT dotI.
enmity are all the main cause Taking kaSa² maOM Baart kI p`QaanamaM~I haotI¸
revenge is definitely not done With this who
saba pr haota maora raja¸
would have won?
jaOsaa caahtI¸ krvaatI¸
Is it the religion, caste, community, gender nahIM tao dMD idlavaatI.
the true cause? We need to reflect over it kaSa² maOM ek AdRSya laD,kI haotI¸
becauseGod created humans as our one kind iksaI kao na idK patI¸
thus, we really need to free our own minds!
manacaaha krtI¸ manacaaha patI.
friendship brotherhood empathy are the pr² yah saba na bana pa}ÐgaI maOM¸
jewels of life so be thoughtful when you act ifr BaI kaoiSaSa k$ÐgaI¸
and prioritize this in the journey called life!
ijatnaa AcCa kr pa}Ð maOM.
Pari Kulkarni - VIII B AnvaI Baujabala - VIII A
Yoga isn’t just exercise. Yoga is something that
penetrates your mind, body and soul. It has
various postures or asanas that were ages ago.
Despite India being the place where it originated,
foreign countries have been practicing yoga even
more than we are. Whenever we practice yoga, we
mustn’t do it for just the sake of it. With every
muscle we flex, every joint we move, we must feel
our actions. We must feel those movements
rejuvenating us. The beauty of yoga cannot be
deprived of. It is the ultimate guide to immunity
and one shall practice it every day.
Yachana Shah - VIII B Parth Mehtras - VI C