Page 205 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 205

Our Social Responsibility

        We, as citizens of India, have huge expectations from the government and are always

        critical of it, if the expectations are not fulfilled. But we fail to fulfil our responsibilities as a
        citizen. However, if we play our respective roles well, we can actually think of achieving of
        a nation which we have dreamt of.

        Here come are social responsibilities into play. If every single citizen fulfils his duty toward his
        nation, it can make a huge difference collectively. E.g.: A tree planted by every single person

        can bring about drastic changes in the environmental pollution, the same can be done by
        cutting on the use of plastic and promoting the use of CNG on a wider scale. Moreover,

        maintenance of historical monuments can lead to growth in country’s tourism index.

        It is also the duty of the people to give taxes. Every tax honestly paid adds up too growth

        and development of the country. Abiding by the traffic rules and conforming to other
        safety measures will lead to less disasters and accidents.

        To  reduce  the  poverty  in  our  country,  we  can  contribute  in  every  way  to  our  own
        development. It becomes so easy, so simple to rule a country and achieve social and economic
        developmental goals if the citizens understand their duties and behave responsibly.

        Let us, as responsible citizens, pledge to play our role honestly and work towards a better
        India. This is the need of the hour and our country demands this from our generation.

        Vivaan Chavan - VII A

                           barKa ranaI

                  maOM jaba¹jaba skUla sao AatI¹jaatI hUÐÊ

                     tba¹tba barKa ranaI AatI hO.

                        hmasao imalatI jaulatI hOÊ
                        KuiSayaaoM sao Bar dotI hO.

                       ronakaoT kao BaI Qaao dotI hOÊ

                       Jama¹Jama krko AatI hO.
             irma¹iJama gaIt saunaatI hOÊbarKa ranaI AatI hO.

                         hmaoM danaa¹panaI dotI hOÊ

                        Gar¹Gar gaIt saunaatI hO.
                 ibanaa Baod¹Baava ike sabakao nahlaatI hOÊ

                 hmaaro Baart doSa kao saMpnna banaatI hO.

                        inat nae gaIt saunaatI hOÊ
                         barKa ranaI AatI hO.

                        idvyaaMSaI jaOna - VIII C                   Vaishnavi Nair - VII A

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