Page 202 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 202
jaba AatI qaI icaT\zI
mauJao Apnao bacapna kI kuC baatoM kBaI¹kBaI yaad AatI hOM AaOr ]namaoM sao ek ek icaT\izyaaÐ imalanaa.
maOM Apnao pirvaar kI sabasao CaoTI sadsyaa hUÐ tao mauJao sabasao j,yaada p`oma
imalata hO. maoro maamaa¹maamaI¸ caacaa¹caacaI AaOr naanaIjaI mauJao AaOr maoro baD,o
Baa[- kao p`oma Baro p~ ilaKto qao.maorI maaÐ ]na p~aoM kao pZ,kr hmaoM saunaatI
qaIM tao hmaoM bahut p`sannata haotI qaI.
maOM BaI Apnao Baa[- kao rxaa baMQana sao kuC idna phlao p~ ilaKtI qaI .
bacapna maoM maOM isaf- ica~ banaa patI qaI¸ laoikna ]namaoM BaI ]tnaa hI p`oma qaa¸
ijatnaa AxaraoM maoM haota hO. maaÐ ko saaqa ]sao DakGar lao jaato samaya bahut
maja,a Aata qaa. maOM saaocatI qaI ik maoro d\vaara ilaKa gayaa p~ yaa ica~ maoro
Baa[- kao imalaogaa AaOr vah bahut p`sanna haogaa.
Aajakla maaobaa[la faona ka p`yaaoga baZ, gayaa hO. laaoga p~ ilaKnao kI
jagah esaºemaºesaº sao saMdoSa Baojato hOM. yao saMdoSa bacaakr nahIM rKo jaa
sakto. mauJao lagata hO p~ ko saMdoSaaoM maoM jaao Pyaar iCpa haota qaa¸ vah BaI
[namaoM nahIM hao sakta. maoro Anausaar p~ hI saMdoSa Baojanao ka sabasao AcCa
maaQyama hO.[sailae maOM Aaja BaI p~ ilaKtI hUÐ.
Ananyaa AaoDk - VIII A Shambhavi Singh - VI C
Anger Hometown
The most powerful weapon of all, Yes, it’s my place and its soil is brown,Yes I’m
By Nemesis' hand you will fall, its prince, and I bear the crown.Yes, I’ve a
home, in its peace, I wind down.Yes it’s the
From this course, justice is served
sweetest place, its’s my home town.
Anger's God will stand tall.
The locality is green with trees all around.It’s
But anger darkens a bright day
my red nose and I’m its clown.I feel nostalgic
Balance was born the hard way. when I touchdown,Yes, its the sweetest
Maintaining her is seriously difficult place and it’s my hometown.
With anger the earth moulds like clay Yes, it’s the only place you’re free, unbound.
It’s the sweetest name you’ll ever pronounce
Even in the wrong way
When you’re back at your home town,Then
Anger, anger tells you what to say,
your heart melts down.
Anger, anger tells you how to behave,
Yes, I’m its prince and I bear the crown.Yes,
The most powerful weapon of all, it’s my red nose and I’m its clown.Yes it’s the
By Anger's hand you will fall. sweetest place, It’s my hometown.
Saiesh Shankar - VIII C Abhisar Priyadarshi - VIII C