Page 257 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 257
‘Give and take’ a simple collocation, but so profound in its interpretation.
When we unconsciously use it, we are using a very powerful paradigm.
Have you ever wondered why we do not change the sequence ever? We
never say take and give.
I think it is because it is a basic law of living, survival in fact. If we want any
endeavour to be successful, we must first give then take. In business we give
time, ideas, capital and then expect to reap profits. To succeed in
academics, we must put in effort and time to get desired results. It is
common sense; we can’t go the reverse way.
It is so ironic that we forget this basic law of life in terms of our environment
or relationships. We take our family and friends for granted. We expect so
much from them but rarely think of giving them first. We forget to give
praises, gratitude, love, care, support.
We keep taking without giving first. This causes friction and our
relationships go downhill.
It is same with the environment. We have taken and taken from mother
earth but rarely thought of giving it back something in return, even if it is
in the form of just respect or love or blessing.
Its time we think from a new perspective, make a paradigm shift and learn
to give more and balance the taking proportionately. Giving is not difficult
a blessing, a compliment, a card, a smile; they don’t cost much but create a
great impact. So, lets start giving and taking but with a practical approach.
- Ratnali Sharma