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Studying can be challenging, when it comes to reading long paragraphs
from textbooks, especially when tests and exams are getting closer. Well, it
is not just to pass exams, but to learn for our own betterment and gain
knowledge. The more time you give yourself to thoroughly go through a
subject, the more you will understand it. So, let’s look at some ways to make
studying fun.
• Choose a quiet place to study: Choosing a place with less noise and
distractions can help you focus better and get on with studying.
• Take breaks when studying: Taking breaks in between studying refreshes
the body and brain, like taking walk around. Study for 20-30 minute and
take a 5-minute break.
• Using fancy stationery: This may sound silly, but it can work quite well
for some students. Instead of writing on simple lined sheets of paper,
some coloured paper or colourful pens would make your studying more
interesting and can work in a different way. You can cover your notes in
stickers, it means you’re more likely to reread them and you can use your
coloured post-it for writing quick notes.
• Change your environment: Studying at the same desk in the same room
can make you feel bored. Like switching rooms or sitting outside in the
• Use flow charts and diagrams: When you start a topic, write down
everything you have gone through in that topic. Put it in a sequence,
draw flow chart, mind maps or a diagram which would help you to
quickly recall everything you need to know during the exam.
• Reward yourself: Rewarding yourself makes you feel great. But this
shouldn’t be too easy. Set goals for completing sections from the chapter.
Small rewards like a piece of cake, chocolate, yummy. Leave any large
reward for completion of everything, tests and exams included, like
going for a movie. Keep your rewards affordable and realistic.
Try these out and you may find more interesting ways to make studying easy
and fun.
- Cheryl Naware