Page 177 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 177


        I have a little frog, His name is Tiny Tim.

        I put him in the bath tub,

        To see if he could swim.

        He drank up all the water,

        He gobbled up the soap.

        And when he tried to speak to me,

        A bubble escaped his throat!

        Saanvi Kaushal - III A                                        Palakshi Negi - III C

        FUN FACTS                                                Animal facts:

                                                                 •  Dogs have two different air passages,
        Scientific facts:                                           one for breathing and another for

        •  The Earth consists of 70% water,                         smelling.

          which is only 0.05% of the total mass                  •  Killer whales, also known as Orcas,
          of the Earth.                                             are not whales. They are breed of

        •  Earth is 149, 597, 890 km away from                      dolphins.
          the Sun.                                               •  Ostriches can run faster than horses.

        •  The temperature of the Earth’s core is                •  Male ostriches roar like a lion.
          7500 Kelvin.
                                                                 Saanvi Nair - V B

        FUN WITH RIDDLES!                                        5)  You can eat me at night but you
                                                                     cannot eat me in the morning.

        RIDDLES                                                      Identify me.

        1)  I am tall when I am young but short                  6)  What has to be broken so that it can
            when I am old!                                           be used?
            What am I?
        2)  I am a single digit number having no
            value. Identify me.                                  1) Pencil   2) Zero  3) Donkey and

                                                                 Monkey   4) Parrot  5) Dinner  6) An egg
        3)  Which two keys cannot open the door?

        4)  What is green in colour but is not a leaf,           Saanvi Bidave - II B
            copies others but is not a monkey?

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