Page 180 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 180
maora ivad\yaalaya WHAT I COULD BE…
maora ivad\yaalaya ek bahut AcCI jagah hO.yah ek If I were a parrot, how nice it would be
maMidr kI trh hO.maOM Apnao ivad\yaalaya sao bahut Pyaar I could have a red beak and fly around
krta hUÐ.maora ivad\yaalaya navaI mauMba[- ko kaoprKOrNao and see.
naamak sqaana pr hO.maoro ivad\yaalaya kI [maart bahut But people would cage me
}ÐcaI hO.kula naaO maMija,laoM hOM.maora yah ivad\yaalaya And won’t let me be free.
kaoprKOrNao ka sabasao AcCa ivad\yaalaya
hO.ivad\yaalaya maoM saBaI iSaxak hma Ca~aoM ka bahut If I were a tiger, how nice it could be
Qyaana rKto hOM AaOr hmaoM bahut Pyaar krto I could roam around freely far and wide.
hOM.ivad\yaalaya maoM bahut saarI p`ityaaoigataeÐ BaI haotI But hunters would capture me
hOM AaOr ]na p`ityaaoigataAaoM ka ]d\doSya hma Ca~aoM ka And kill me for my hide.
]%saah baZ,anaa haota hO.saBaI iSaxak hmaoM &ana ko
saaqa naOitk iSaxaa BaI doto hOM.maoro ivad\yaalaya maoM ek If I were a butterfly, how nice it could be
bahut sauMdr AaOr baD,a emfIiqaeTr BaI saala I could have colourful wings.
hmaaro ivad\yaalaya maoM yahaÐ 'raga¹rsa' naama ka bahut But naughty kids would catch me
AcCa saa gaayanaÊ vaadna AaOr naR%ya ka ek kaya-Ëma And tear off my wings.
BaI haota hO.hmaaro p`QaanaaQyaapk mahaodya hma baccaaoM
kao bahut Pyaar krto hOM AaOr hmaoSaa hmaaro ivakasa ko There is only one thing that I can do
ilae kao[- na kao[- na[- kaoiSaSa krto rhto hOM.mauJao To be a good human being.
maoro ivad\yaalaya sao bahut Pyaar hO. mauJao tao lagata hO Go to school and do my work
ik yah pUrI duinayaa ka sabasao AcCa ivad\yaalaya hO. And keep myself busy.
Ajau-na prmaar - V A Subhan Momin - V C
During the summer vacation, my family visited
North Bengal forest known as Jaldapara. We
stayed in a government bungalow known as
Hollong Bungalow which is in the middle of the
forest. We stayed there for two nights and three
days. We saw lots of wild animals like bison,
deer, rhinoceros, peacock, parrot, monkeys and
elephants. We reached in the afternoon after
having lunch and then we went for a jeep safari Prayush Naik - IV B
ride. After returning to the bungalow in the
evening, we took rest and had dinner.