Page 181 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 181
Next day, we went for an elephant safari ride. During the safari we had lots of fun, this
was my first forest visit and I was very much excited to see the wild animals. The elephant
ride was through the dense forest. There was a narrow river there which we had to cross.
While crossing the river we saw a rhinoceros relaxing in the water. The rhinoceros was
very close to our elephant. At first, I was feeling scared but then later I felt fine. Later, we
saw three Sambhar deer who were eating leaves behind the bushes. After sometime we
saw another rhinoceros standing near a pond staring at us.
During the day, we found lots of different coloured insects and took lots of photographs.
I also found a huge feather of an eagle. In the evening, we saw a herd of elephants in the
salt pit. There were around forty- three elephants together. I’ve never seen so many
elephants together. It was a magnificent sight. During the last day, as we were leaving the
guest house, I was feeling very sad. It was a place worth visiting and we were fortunate
enough to see all the animals.
Soumyadeep Chanda - V C
ENERGY AND TIME Redwood trees are the tallest trees
in the world. These giant trees
Mobile, Mobile: Waste of time grow near the coast of California
It harms your eyes and your mind. and Oregon in the USA. These
trees grow over three hundred feet
Be careful with its use, high and are taller than a
Or it would make you lose. thirty-storey building. They can
grow for hundreds of years. The
Taraj Bhatt - II B bark of the tree is very thick and
protects it from insects and fires.
Redwood trees are very important
to the lumber companies. They
are legally protected in the
Redwood National Park. This
ensures the safety of the trees from
Tress George - II C
Shreyanshi C - V C