Page 179 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 179

THE IVORY WAND                                     HAPPY FATHER’S DAY

        Wang-Su lived  in the city  of                     Would you like to meet the Iron Man?

        Nangjing. He was an old man                        He is none other than my father.
        who lived with his cat and dog.                    He is the one who holds me in his arms

        His house was surrounded with                      Takes me to the wonderland of books.
        tall, thick walls. Every day, he

        would come out of his house,                       He is the magician of my life,
        close the door carefully  and                      Who fulfils all my wishes,

        went for a stroll  outsie.                         Whether it may be singing, skating,
        Wand-Su was a kind old man.                        Or movies, shopping, chocolates, pizza.

        The people of Nangjing would                       To be happy in my life
        wonder how  he got  such                           Is to be with him always

        beautiful clothes  as he never                     And there is no other way.
        went  to  the stores to  buy

        anything.                                          I am very grateful to God,
                                                           For sending the Iron Man to my life, to stay.
        One day, as he reached home
        after his walk, he reached out                     Shashank Biradar - IV A
        for the magical ivory wand and

        said to the cat, "I know what

        you would like." and casually
        waved       his    wand.       That                THE SCHOOL
        moment, a big bowl of fish

        appeared from thin air. He did                     School! School! School!

        the same with his  dog and a                       Is a wonderful pool
        few pieces  of meat appeared                       Of study and play of course
        next to him.                                       Everyone needs education

                                                           For their heart's satisfaction
        One night, a thief broke  into                     To brighten their future

        Wang-Su's house and tried to                       And develop inner culture
        steal the ivory wand but his                       It is very important to attend school

        dog and cat chased him and                         Without it one becomes a real fool.
        got their master's  wand from

        the thief.  They brought the                       Tarun Bist - III A
        ivory wand back to their

        master and lived happily  ever

        Sia Shukla - IV C

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