Page 173 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 173
MY SPECIAL GIFT "P`ahoilaka"
My mummy cooks my favourite food, 1´ gaaola hO pr gaoMd nahIM¸
And bakes a cake for me. pUÐC hO pr pSau nahIM¸
Her hugs and cuddles are a delight, pUÐC pkD,kr Kolao baccao¸
All because she loves me. ifr BaI maoro AaÐsaU na inaklao.
My daddy buys me candy floss,
Dresses and toys and sweets. ]%tr: gaubbaaro
He plays my favourite games with me, 2´ tIna Axar ka maora naama
All because he loves me. ]lTa saIQaa ek samaana.
My grandma tucks me into bed, ]%tr: jahaja
With stories of fairies princess and elves.
In a magical worlds, she creates for me, 3´ laala iDibayaa maoM hO pIlao Kanao.
All because she loves me. KanaaoM maoM hO maaotI ko danaoM..
My grandpa takes me to the beach, ]%tr: Anaar
To parks to school just him and me.
At times he sits on his knees, 4´ caaOkI pr baOzI ek ranaI.
All because he loves me. isar pr Aaga badna maoM panaI..
Love is such a special gift, ]%tr: maaomaba%tI
It can take so many forms.
A hug, a kiss, a cake, a sweet KMt Saah - IV C
And sometimes a reprimand.
My family means the world to me, IF MY SHOES HAD
Each one is dear and true. WINGS
Everyone is extra special,
Of course I love them too. If my shoes had wings,
Naisha Saney - IV A
I could do many thiings,
Fly high in the sky,
Or be a super-spy.
No more waiting for the bus,
I could reach school without any fuss.
I could do so many things,
If only my shoes had wings.
Sonali Khicha - II A Pranavi Chandola - III D