Page 168 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 168
RIDDLES saavana
1) Which table does not have
legs? saavana Aayaa baadla Cae¸
irmaiJama¹irmaiJama jala
2) Who makes moves while barsaae.
staying in one place?
maaor naacata hO bastI maoM¸
3) What has teeth but cannot eat?
KuiSayaaÐ Ca[-M hOM bastI maoM.
4) What gets wet when drying?
Dala Dala pr JaUlaa DalaoM
5) What is the smallest room in
the world? JaUla¹JaUlakr baadla CU laoM.
6) It only increases but never trh trh ko pMCI gaato¸
decreases, What is it? baccao hÐsato¸ daOD, lagaato..
Aditya Koltewar - III C tinaYka - III C
Chhavi Thakur - IV C
1) A Vegetable 2) Chess players 3) A comb
4) A towel 5) Mushroom 6) Our age
When the Earth was green, So, let’s care for mother Earth,
It was a forest full of trees, Let’s make it clean and green,
But now, as we are mean, Let us not be mean.
It’s now a forest of buildings.
Akshita Agrawal - V C
When the Earth was green,
It had resources utterly pure,
But now I’m not sure,
If they are that pure.
When the Earth was green,
It was very, very clean,
But now, as we’re mean,
It’s not very green and clean.
Aaradhay Mhatre - II B