Page 172 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 172
maOM Baart ka raYT////Iya fUla kmala I am so blessed to have a caring and loving
gaulaabaI rMga kI pMKuD,I AaOr hro rMga ko p%to¸ grandmother. To my every silly question
she has an answer. We play UNO together,
panaI maoM ]Cla¹]Cla ko saUrja sao krto hOM baatoM.
visit the park and go to the market to buy
pUro talaaba maoM hvaa BaI KolatI naacatI hO maoro saaqa¸ tasty chocolates. Even though she is old
sabasao sauMdr hÐU maOM. and walks slowly she always helps me out
and showers me with love. She also scolds
AaOr gava- hO mauJao ApnaI sauMdrta pr¸ me if I am being naughty. She makes every
@yaaoMik maOM Apnao doSa ka¸
festival joyous. In diwali we make rangolis
raYT/Iya fUla hUÐ.. and light diyas. my life is full of happiness
and abundant with love. Her bedtime
Civa zakur - IV C
stories have pearls of wisdom hidden in
them. Thank you God for giving me such a
loving Dadi.
Lorrin Jain - II B
One day three children – Khant, Nirvan and Soham – were coming back from school.
While they were walking they came across a house where ghosts were known to exist.
They decided to explore the house the next day. The next morning when they went
there, Soham told the other two boys that he was scared to go inside but they brushed off
his fear by saying that there was no such thing as ghosts. As soon as they entered the
house, the door closed. The house was very spooky. The walls were interchanging and
the floors were turning upside down. The stairs were also moving. Suddenly they heard a
voice,” I am the ghost of the spookiest haunted house. How did you dare to come inside!
I will kill one of you”. Soham tried to escape but it was too late. The ghost had frozen
little Soham. The ghost appeared in front of the boys and said that he will release Soham
only if they are able to answer his question – I have cities, airports, houses and trees but
nobody lives here. Khant thought for a while and answered,” Map”. The answer was
correct. Soham was released. The ghost said that he would let the boys go only if they
were able to answer his next question- What has a body and mouth but does not have
anything else? Nirvan answered,” Bottle”. The answer was correct. The children were
finally able to escape. They were very happy and felt proud of themselves.
Khant Shah - IV C