Page 169 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 169
kOsao huAa maora laa^la BaUt
maOM gayaa Saa^ipMga maa^laÊ maOMnao kla doKa qaa ek BaUtÊ
caaihe qaa mauJao ek baa^la. nahIM baaola rha hUÐ maOM JaUz.
maaÐ nao ikyaa papa kao ka^laÊ BaUt kao doK ]D, jaato hOM taotoÊ
lao Aae vao maoro ilae ek Da^la. @yaa BaUt saca maoM nahIM haotoÆ
mauJao tao caaihe hI qaa ek baa^laÊ maOM qaa bahut DraÊ
maOM BaI calaa gayaa ]sao laonao sTa^la. ifr BaI maOMnao Kud pr kabaU rKa.
maaÐ BaI lao Aa[- ek AaOr Da^laÊ Saayad vah qaa maorI AaÐKaoM ka QaaoKaÊ
AaOr kr idyaa saca maoM maora laa^la. Par maOMnao Kud kao kOsao tao raoka.
Aqava- $dagaI - IV A Mannat Sood - V A Qa`uimat ravala - IV A
• The earth is the third of the 8 planets.
• The shape of earth is not perfectly
• It takes 24 hours for earth to rotate
around itself
• It takes 365 days to take one round of
the sun in one year.
• 70% of earth’s surface is covered by Iqra Shaikh - III A
• It is the only planet where Oxygen and
Water are found.
• Earth has given many natural resources
to us, like mountains, oceans.
• The earsth gives us food,water and
• World Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd
• It is our duty to protect our Earth.
Angel Suthar - II C Jeet Dhoka - IV B