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P. 166

fUla                                                                WHEN THE EARTH

                                                                            WAS GREEN

        fmaMOnao doKa…                                                      When the Earth was green,

        ek sauMdr saa fUla.                                                 It was a forest full of trees,

        pr Aasa pasa qaI¸                                                   But now, as we are mean,

        bahut saarI QaUla.                                                  It’s now a forest of buildings.

                                                                            When the Earth was green,
        ifr BaI rhta qaa vaao¸

        hmaoSaa mauskurata.                                                 It had resources utterly pure,
                                                                            But now I’m not sure,

        jaOsao AMQaorI rat maoM hao¸                                        If they are that pure.
        tara iTmaiTmaata.                                                   When the Earth was green,

        QaUla maoM BaI rhkr fUla¸  Jisha Jain - II A                        It was very, very clean,

        dota hmaoM yah iSaxaa.                                              But now, as we’re mean,
                                                                            It’s not very green and clean.
        kizna samaya laota hO¸

        hr [Msaana kI prIxaa.                                               So, let’s care for mother Earth,
                                                                            Let’s make it clean and green,
        rayanaa caaopD,a - III C                                            Let us not be mean.

                                                                            Akshita Agrawal - V C


        1)  I am full of keys, but can’t open
            a single door.who am i?

        2)  What goes up, but never comes

        3)  What gets sharper as you use it

        4)  What can you catch, but cannot
                                                          Advait Kamath - IV A
        5)  What gets wetter as it dries?


        1) Piano,        2) Your age,  3) Brain,            4) Cold,         5) Towel

         Aarnavi Gupta - V B

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