Page 78 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 78

emphasis on developing, nurturing and connecting each individual by means of interaction,

      peer learning and other skill building activities. Activities like planning an advertisement,
      making a comic strip, poster making, role playing a critic, TED talks, interview sessions,

      thinking and presenting a start-up idea, enacting and reporting a crime scene, press
      conferences etc. were undertaken. In this way, the talents of the students were enhanced to

      develop communication skills, encouraging them to express their feelings and to venture
      beyond  the frontiers  and introduce various  career  opportunities  in mass  media to the



      It is said that music is the language of the soul. It gives wings to the mind, flight to the
      imagination and life to everything. The Music Club functions with an objective to foster and
      promote a lifelong interest in music and to enhance the musical skills of the children. In the

      club, interested  students are trained and guided to  play instruments of their choice like
      drums, guitar, keyboard, bongo, harmonium and flute. The children are also exposed to both
      western and Indian classical music. The club also provides a platform to the students to

      enhance their skills and to showcase their talent. The event - Junior Raag Ras – “Aradhna”
      which was organized for the first time for classes 1 to 4  was one such event that provided an
      admirable opportunity to the children to showcase awesome vocal and instrumental talent

      and was highly appreciated  for the concerted efforts of the children.


      Nurture nurtures. Here at RFS, the students are given every opportunity to appreciate the

      beauty and value the importance of nature. Nature club plays its part to inculcate the green
      attitude towards the environment amongst students. The students are sensitised about the
      day today issues concerning of environment. The club aspires the students to be nature

      friendly, to  observe and to  absorb it within.  The students were shown  videos on waste

      management, forest fire, afforestation, fossils etc. They made speedballs in the club and also
      did leaf printing and tracing also and came up with wonderful designs. The students were

      taken for nature walk within the school complex many times. They were shown different
      plants and were asked to observe it carefully. They were shown nest, pupas etc. The students

 The Media Club aims at nurturing and motivating the creativity and inculcating writing   drew their version of the pink trumpet tree which blossomed beautifully in our school. The
 skills in students. The club gives them hands on experience of the real world, behind the   student students were shown real specimens of certain herbs and indoor plants which keep

 scenes  with many diverse  types of activities  planned and designed to understand the   the air fresh. The library resources were extensively used in the club. Students were given
 importance of journalism and media. It worked as a talent pool for the students and laid


 magazines like National Geographic Kid and Sanctuary Kids and were told to go through
 them. The topics of the magazines were thoroughly discussed and the students took great

 interest in sharing their views. Those colourful books really held their attention well and the
 students were in glued to those wonderful pictures and amazing facts related to animals and

 nature. The students felt connected individually and communally with the environment and

 were happy to observe outdoors whenever they got a chance.
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