Page 144 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 144

साल 2020                                      Has Technology Helped Connect People or Isolate Them?
                                                                                                                               I sometimes hear people complaining that technology isolates them, and — depending on the ferocity of their
                                                                             एक  दन गगन को ताकत हए, ु                          opinion — is leading to society's moral decay and eventual collapse. As the number of social tools on the Internet

                                                                             अपने अतमन म   झाक  त े हए, ु                      increases and mobile devices offer new ways to stay in touch, it's not uncommon to consider if the explosion of
        The Life Changing Bicycle                                               आया मझ एक खयाल                                 technology is bringing us closer together or creating distance between us but I couldn't disagree more with
                                                                                        े ु
        I chased him through narrow alleys and dirt roads until                   क 2020 का साल,                               technology isolating us. I see technology as part of the solution, rather than the problem. But there's more to
        I saw him stop at a shack and get off my bicycle. He then             बीत रहा ह  कतना बहाल |                           technology than helping individuals connect. Sometimes it's about forming new communities.
        entered the shack; I saw this as my one opportunity to                                                                 Virtual reality is an even more immersive medium that facilitates exploration of environments beyond the
                                                                           कोरोना महामार   व वभर म  फै ल ,
        take back what's mine. I snuck up to the shack and                                                                     confines of one's home. VRChat harnesses that experience with an emphasis on community. Netflix Party and


                                                                         आक टक क  न दया हई तल स मल  |
        hopped on my bicycle and prepared to leave.                                        ु                                   Discord are two more tools that have been facilitating virtual connections. Netflix Party, which is a Google
                                                                             मजदर भख स दम तोड़ रह ह ,
        As I made my way over to the counter I glanced outside                                                                 Chrome extension, allows you to watch Netflix movies and television shows with friends in another room, city or
                                                                            दश सरहद पर जंग छड़ रह ह  |
        to check if my bicycle was still there. I was unable to see                                                            country. On Discord, you can livestream video game sessions with your peers. These social connections are so
        it; I ran out in a hurry and saw an old man darting off on               सबकछ हो गया बंद,                              powerful that people who were looking to just fill time emerge with actual friendships. It's yet another example of
        my bicycle. I began chasing him. The thought of my                   जीवन क  ग त हो गयी मंद |                          technology helping to connect people. Such claims are also supported via a study by the Pew Internet and
        strict father and how he would punish me when he                    ब च  क   कलकार  खो गयी ह, ै                        American Life Project, issued in
        found out that my bicycle was stolen in front of my eyes                                                               November 2009, notes that “the extent of social isolation in America is not as high as has been reported through
                                                                            इसान क  मानवता सो गयी ह |
        acted as fuel for my body and made me run faster.                                                                      prior research.” It states the number of Americans who are truly isolated is unchanged or minimally changed
                                                                      इसक बावजद मझ मानव पर दया नह ं आती,
                                                                                     े ु
        Last week I went to the market on my bicycle to buy                                                                    since 1985. Rather, the more pronounced social change is that Internet and mobile phone users have larger and

                                                                              बस एक शम मझ घर जाती
                                                                                            े ु
        some books for school. I parked my bicycle outside the                                                                 more diverse core networks.
        shop but did not care to put a lock on it because I lived        य  क जानती हँ , इस बात को मानती हँ, ू                 As I sit here behind my computer, I feel more connected than I ever would have, had computers and the internet

        in a fairly theft-free area. I requested the shopkeeper to           क मन य को अपना कम  पड़ा,                           never been born. I interact with more people on a daily basis — online and in person — than I ever could have in
        give me some notebooks. He brought out a stack of           क चेहरा  छपाने क  लए उसक मख पर मा क चढ़ा |                  yester years. Blaming technology for isolation may simply be making it a scapegoat for something that would have
        notebooks and directed me towards the counter where                                                                    happened anyway. People isolate themselves, regardless of what's available to them.   From the 1981 AT&T
                                                                        सफलता क नाम पर हमने आतक मचाया,
        I had to pay. Before I was able to put my feet on the                                                                  slogan “Reach out and touch someone” to Twitter's “What's happening?” these tools have promised to improve
                                                                        माता प वी ने अपना  चंड  प  दखलाया |
        pedals, the man came out of the shack and broke down                                                                   our quality of life. It's more than bringing people together to socialize; it's about fostering change majority of
                                                                    ल कन मन य ने नह   कया अपने आचरण म  सधार,
        when he saw me.                                                                                                        which I see as good.
                                                                       अभी भी कर रहा ह जानवर  पर अ याचार |
        I asked him why he was crying and he shakily explained                                                                 Aastha Kumar - XI C
        to me that he was a daily wage labourer and earned             ए मख मानव, यह समझ त  या कर रहा ह,   ै
        money by collecting old newspapers and selling them to             अपने ह  पतन क  ओर बढ़ रहा ह, ै
        the recycling plant. Previously, he had to walk to each    बंद कर यह हाहाकार, नह  तो एक समय ऐसा आएगा                    Dear heart, why are you afraid?
        house individually to collect newspapers. This limited           क  तझ तारणहार भी बचा नह  पाएगा |                                A caterpillar too afraid to stray,
                                                                               े ु
        his income and he was unable to support his family. He                                                                           Will never be able to fly away.
                                                                               Shruti Nema - XII B
        stole my bicycle out of desperation and in an effort to                                                                           A night that is afraid to end,
        increase his income.                                                                                                          Shall never see the light of the Sun.
        I decided to let him keep my bicycle. He hugged me                                                                                 A bud that does not let go,
        when I informed him about my decision and gave me                                                                            Shall never be able to bloom and glow.
        his word that he would return it one day. The walk back                                                                          And if a glacier refuses to melt,
        home  was  long  and  time-consuming,  but  it  was  all                                                                       How will the riverside crops be fed?
        worth  it.  The  thought  of  my  father  didn't  scare  me
                                                                                                                                   The whole world changes every single day,
        anymore as I knew that I had just changed someone's
                                                                                                                                  It proves that there is nothing to be afraid of,
                                                                                                                                            If you do it the right way.
        Aarsh Duhlani - X A
                                                                                                                                       So dear heart, why are you afraid?
                                                                                                                                      Just take a deep breath, do not sway,
                                                                                                                                          And let the winds of change,
                                                                                                                                               Whisk you away.                                 Aarav Modha - X C
                                                                    Aarushi Jain - XI A                                                     Ashima Ranyal - XII B
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