Page 127 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 127

Wind of Change
                                                              Wind of Change, Friend or Foe?
 A mission that changed the attitude of India towards cleanliness was a countrywide campaign from 2nd October
                                                                        A wind that blows in the air,
 2014 to 2019. This campaign was announced by the honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to create
                                                                   Shows us scenarios that give us a scare.
 awareness about cleanliness in India.  He started a Clean India Mission Campaign also known as, Swachh Bharat
 Abhiyan or Swachh Bharat Mission.                                   Darkness lurks around us nowadays,
                                                                      Will we survive if we ty anyways?
 Cleanliness is very important for people to survive because if India is not clean, people will suffer from many
                                                                       If a problem comes on our path,
 dangerous and harmful diseases such as malaria, dengue, etc. caused by flies and garbage. There will also be
                                                                    A ray of sunbeam always comes forth.
 suffocation as there won't be clean and fresh air to breathe.  So, if humans pollute the Earth, they will suffer. In
                                                                        It may be what we call hope,
 the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Mission, the Prime Minister urged the citizens of India to become more sensitive
                                                                        Or it may be a slippery slope.
 and conscious about cleanliness.  He tried to spread awareness about keeping the surroundings clean through his
                                                                            Should we risk it all?
 motivating speeches. Not only this but, he also turned to the streets and cleaned the garbage to show people how
         Aviral Rawat - VII A                                         Or should we hide behind a wall?
 important cleanliness is so that people would be aware of it. He also cleaned the sea beaches with great
                                                                      Change is what should be opted,
 satisfaction and happiness. He became so strict about cleanliness that he fined people who were spitting on the   Change in life and environment should be adapted.
 road and littering it. There were also fines charged if you throw anything on the road. He asked people to keep the   We're So Close Yet So Far
                                                                       It teaches us to overcome fear,
 wrappers of anything that they eat with them and throw them when they see a dustbin. Schools also took a big   The past year has brought a drastic change in all   And change our gear.
 initiative in educating children about cleanliness. There were songs played in schools related to Clean India.   our lives. Although we are lucky enough to be safe   Together we shall follow,
 Then, there were rallies led by the schools, where the children were asked to clean the roads as they took a walk   and sound, we are not as grateful as each one of us   The path of contentment and glow.
 around the school. In schools, children were asked to carry out some activities on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan which   should be.   We shall overcome all obstacles that come our way,
 helped provoke their thoughts about the topic. There were assemblies conducted in schools based on this topic.
        At the beginning of each year, my family conducts   Because we have together opened the right pathways.
 Due to all this, the children became more aware and conscious about the Mission and then they stopped the
        a small meeting to discuss our aims and resolutions    Oh! Now we know our dear wind you are smart,
 elders from polluting the streets which was a huge achievement. Then, the Government also decided to divide
        for the following year and we also discuss what we    You are more valuable in life than medicine or art.
 the dustbins into two categories one for wet garbage, also known as biodegradable waste in blue colour, and dry
        are all grateful for in our lives. This year, I said the       Gaurinandana Shibu - VIII B
 garbage, known as non-biodegradable waste in green colour. This was done so that the garbage pickers would be
 able to sort the garbage without any difficulty and thus, more material would be sent for recycling.  There were   usual, “hard work, complete focus on studies and
        being grateful for everything I have”. But, by now
 also many rallies led by Government creating awareness about cleanliness.
        my answer has changed to- acceptance of change,
 In many cities, the walls were painted with beautiful slogans and dialogues based on cleanliness. Some of them   motivating others, and being grateful for the best
 were garbage pickers who should not be discriminated against instead, they should be given respect as they do the   gift  god  could  have  given  me,  my  family.  Our   Earth Day
 most important job. Then, dustbins were placed in every corner of the town. The wind of change means   generation  has  been  very  distracted  with   Oh! Its earth day, our earth is degrading every day.
 something that brings a change in our life.  We now live in a cleaner India. Thanks to the Prime Minister. Our   electronic  devices  and  we  have  forgotten  what   The day is not about doing our duties once,
 India is a beautiful country, but because of the citizens it got polluted and now because of them only it has been   families are and how much they mean to us. So,   It is about earth's regular maintenance.
 cleaned. This mission and our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has caused a wind of change.” WE LOVE INDIA,   during this quarantine, I tried to connect with my   But the ugly truth is that we do not treat the earth
 WE CARE FOR INDIA"  family, I tried to get to know them, focused more       like our inheritance.
 Arusha Garad - VII A  on studies and avoided devices. Infact, one of the   We have to save the lush green trees, and stop
        reasons why I don't miss my friends a lot is because               creating more addresses.
        I have made new friends. I love them and I am         We have to save the Yamuna, Yangtze, Ganges, and
        grateful for our talks, our laughs, our tears, all of it.      stop mining the mountain ranges.
                                                                      Saving the earth is the need of hour,
        It was very understandable that each one of us
                                                                   Even the freshwater lakes are turning sour.
        should reflect gratitude for their touch and their
                                                                       Lockdown has cleared the earth,
        love. Even though my family and I have always
                                                               It has given our planet the chance to take a rebirth.
        lived  in  the  same  house,  never  have  I  felt  so
                                                                  Let us save our earth for future generations,
        connected to them and loved by them; we were so
                                                                     By spreading campaign in all nations.
        close from distance yet far from the heart. So, I am
                                                                  The Earth Day is about spreading awareness,
        glad that this year changed something in me and
                                                                 And not spoiling the earth by our carelessness.
        made me know the exact meaning of 'Gratitude'.
                                                                         Saksham Sankhyan - VIII B
        Deepika Rajput - VIII B
 Sadiah Afreen - VII B  Kasvi Singh - VI B

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