Page 123 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 123
Nature: A force to reckon with Technology
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a huge change in Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or
our lives and showed us that we have the power to bring in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology has made the world smaller in
about a better change in this world, that will help us and different ways and spheres. Information and Communication Technology has always served to make the world a
the environment both. We should take the path of saying smaller place. Most probably, the biggest way that technology has made the world smaller is through the internet.
'NO' to plastic and use more environment friendly Technology has changed a lot from earlier days first we used to have no Internet, people had to use PCOs in India
products. to connect with people, people used to mostly use radios even if there were TVs, very less channels used to come.
Did you know that nearly 42,000,000 trees are cut down There were no computers or typewriters. Nowadays people have smartphones, laptops, TVs, and also video
daily? And 160,000 trees are cut down daily to make games.
Arnav Bhatnagar - VII B
paper? A tree may produce 10,000 or so sheets of paper There are many advantages of the modern technology like:
but this is much worse. Plastic also takes up to 1000 years
1) We can connect with people from all around the world.
to decompose and every year, 8 million metric tonnes of
2) It has made most of our work easier because of machines.
plastic is released into the oceans. Human beings also
जीवन खप संदर आह consume microplastics in many ways. 3) Farmers have machines now to make their crops.
All this is due to human greed and is extremely 4) Because of internet we can research about things faster.
जीवन खप संदर आह ..
dangerous to all of us. If we do not stop, nature will There are also many disadvantages about the modern-day technology: -
अनभव घत जावे ..
retaliate- just like it has during this pandemic. Thus, it is
1) People have become more dependent on the internet for everything.
जीवन एक गीत आह त गात जावे... necessary that we bring about a change in our actions
2) Children now mostly want to spend their time watching tv, playing on the phone or using console.
जीवन एक संगीत आह त ऐकत जावे... and appreciate nature and its beauty.
3) People have become less active.
जीवन एक क वता आह ती रचत जावी ..
4)It affects the eyes and mental health of kids.
जीवन एक लखन आह त लह त जावे...
To conclude, I would like to say that every change should be excepted, whether you like it or not. Every change
जीवन खप संदर आह ... somehow has a better side of it.
त आनंदाने भरभ न जगावे....|||
Aarav Patpatia - VIII A
Katha Jadhav - VII C Over 5 million years ago the earth was born,
By the accretion of solar nebula.
There was a new dawn,
Yet the earth was covered in lava.
Dinosaur ruled the earth for a long time, Together We Stand !
With Saber tooth-tigers and the giant alligator.
For the sake of motherland,
Later it was man's reign, Together we stand,
the greatest invention of the creator. To break the chain of corona monster capturing our land.
From Homo Habilis to Homo Sapiens, Corona isn't one that can be assassinated by the gun,
Humans progressed a lot. Nor it's the one to be killed with the sword.
Later they were called Asian and African, Don't step out to crowded places,
They used the knowledge they got. If you don't want to be in thousand cases.
They started farming on the mother earth, Although these days at home are long,
With hunting and gathering of the animals & vegetables. But together as mankind we stand strong.
In the race of life, they went back and forth, Deep in our heart we all should have faith,
And became technical as we are today. That we shall overcome someday.
Aarav Bokade - VIII C Reet Kaur - VII B
Riddhi Sinha - VIII A Joshita Nettam - VI C
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