Page 110 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 110
Marvels of Progress and Change Life Grows Through ima~
Bhagwat Gita says, “Change is the only constant of life.” According to Darwin man has evolved over time from Winds of Change
monkeys. maora ima~ sabasao Pyaara¸
I planted a seed in my garden pot. lagata mauJakao sabasao nyaara.
Over the years, we have evolved to the modern times thanks to science. Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the
most powerful weapon of man which you can use to change the world.” To see it grow, I was excited a lot. ima~ maoro saaqa Kata¹pIta¸
I watered it everyday, I kept it in the sun. AaOr maoro saaqa harta ¹ jaItta.
From a sikka, an aana and a paisa to a two thousand rupee note, we have come a long way and we continue to Then one fine day, I saw the tiny roots having fun!
progress towards betterment. maora ima~ maoro saaqa naacata¸
A small leaf now started growing,
Electricity is a marvellous invention. From lighting oil lamps, studying under the street lamps, now we all have With the sun and wind, it enjoyed playing. AaOr maoro saaqa kUdta AaOr ]Clata.
lights with electricity in all houses. From the era of hand fans to ceiling fans to now air conditioners are being The baby plant looked happy and bright, ima~ maora Aata mausaIbat maoM kama¸
enjoyed because of electricity. Electricity also is used by various gadgets in our daily lives like geysers, TV, toasters, AaOr baZ,ata sabako saamanao maora naama.
fridge, microwaves etc. As it grew with water and sunlight.
Leaves changed their shape and colour. ima~ maora sabasao AcCa¸
Communication has progressed tremendously. From writing letters and sending through messengers which The stems grew taller and taller. mauJakao lagata sabasao saccaa.
would take a long time, to letters through post offices, fax and now the most advanced and quick E-mails, SMS,
Then came a little bud, yellow in colour.
WhatsApp etc. Wired Telephones with dial to mobile phone which has all contacts, camera, calculator, alarm Rajveer Singh Awal - III B
clock, calendar, watch, maps games and what not. That bloomed into a beautiful flower!
Flowers changed to fruits, from raw to ripe.
Computers were a major breakthrough. From a typewriter where there was no backspace or delete button, there
came bulky computers with many wires. This evolved into smart laptops which then again became compact as Pop! Burst the fruits, throwing seeds in one swipe!
iPad or tablets which are so light and easy to use! These seeds were full of life and were bright.
Waiting to change and grow with all their might!
Mobile networks like 3G, 4G, and now 5G, Wi-Fi connections help us to stay safe and connected to our loved
We were all like seeds once upon a time.
ones at any corner of the world. Now thanks to technology, we are able to sit at home and take online school and
talk to our family at any part of the world. Babies exploring the world so strange,
We will gracefully bloom from kids to adults.
Transport system has also changed. From the ancient era of walking, to riding on the animals like horses or
camels, to the use of cycles. Then was the use of public transport and private vehicles like cars. The aeroplanes by As life grows through winds of change!
Wright brothers were a superb invention which helps one covers miles in minutes! Railway electric trains to now Sagarika Mukherjee - IV C
metro, monorails and bullet trains travelling for work or visiting family has become so easy.
My grandparents used to rely on a transistor or radio for music. My parents had a cassette player which had tapes
inside, CD, DVD, VCR players for their entertainment. We now enjoy our favourite music on the click of our
mobile phone.
Harshita Zope - II B
Earlier, photos were taken on camera with roll, black and white then coloured photos. Now we can take multiple मला वाटत.....
photos on the click of camera on mobile phones.
There were times when cooking was done on firewood, coal, to the use of chulhas to the use of bulky cylinders मला वाटत पोल स हावे,
now we all enjoy pipe gas at our homes so no more hassles. From using wells to draw water for the house to hand जगात शांतता राख यासाठ malaa vaaTto pxaI vhavao…
pumps, now we have water coming from pipes 24/7. Dams help in storing water. Life has become so easy!
मला वाटत शा हावे,
Farming has also progressed. Our farmers are benefitted by using improved irrigation systems, ploughs, tractors, malaa vaaTto pxaI vhavao
नवीन गो ट शोध यासाठ
better fertilizers, pesticides etc. Now farmers can also easily supply to bazaars or directly home through mobile AakaSaat ]Mca ]MDavao.
apps. मला वाटत डॉ टर हावे, navao navao ho jaga pha,vao,
Field of medicine has shown great progress. Our ancient great doctors Charaka and Sushruta, the time-tested सवा ना बर कर यासाठ pxyaasaMgao rahiUnayaa pxaaMcaoca hao}na jaavao.
Ayurveda, use of medicines, vaccines to combat infections. Surgeries for various diseases and also to change ones मला वाटत अ भयंता हावे,
naahI AByaasa, naahI prIxaa, naahI ksalao TonSana,
looks. The use of X- rays which even show the bones. Hence with all this, one can stay healthy for long. नवीन यं बनव यासाठ pxyaaMcyaa jagaat paoTBar KaNao mhNajaoca ponSana.
Man has even entered space. NASA, ISRO have scientists, engineers, astronauts who study about space. Man
has gone to moon and Mars. Many satellites that move around the earth have been launched. They help in मला वाटत श क हावे, naahI Boad, naahI jaat vaa Qama-, naahI kuzlaa hvyaasa,
weather forecasting, map directions. TV channels and what not! सवा ना सा र बनव यासाठ . ekjauTInao imaLUna baagaDNoa haca pxaaMcaa Qyaasa.
Our defence has also advanced. From sword fights to use of tanks and guns to now use of jet planes, मला वाटत गायक हावे, ekjauTInao rahNyaacaI GyaavaI pxaaMkDUnaI iSakvaNa,
जगात माधय भर यासाठ . AapNahI rahU SakU maga ekmaokaMt imaLUna¹imasaLUna.
However, we should use our knowledge wisely. Nowadays, people are spending more time on gadgets than talking
to others. Children are playing games on computers and not on the ground, which is not good for health. Hence, Khant Shah - V A
मला वाटत कलाकार हावे,
we can see that change is a part of life and past is different from the present which will be different from the future.
जीवन स तरगी कर यासाठ .....
It is in our hands to make our earth the more beautiful place to live in.
Raaga Vasant – IV A Vedant Bajwa - V A
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