Page 106 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 106
Betty the Butterfly maorI maaÐ maorI PyaarI bahnaa
Once upon a time, there lived a caterpillar. She was crawling in a flower field. She saw a pink flower and wanted
maaÐ tao maaÐ hO idna rat krtI hO kama¸ sauna maorI CaoTI bahnaa¸
to play with her bud. But the mother flower said, "Ugly caterpillar, go away from my baby." This made the
ibanaa qako ibanaa $ko laotI nahIM Aarama. hmaoM AcCa banakr hO rhnaa.
caterpillar sad.
caaho dd- hao ]sako pOraoM maoM yaa haqaaoM maoM¸ papa jaao BaI caIja,oM laato¸
She crawled away and went to the wise old flower. He said, "Never mind, wait for the magic of the winds of
kBaI nahIM $ktI hO iksaI BaI saUrt maoM. daonaaoM imalajaulakr hOM Kato.
banaatI hO sabaka Kanaa krtI hO saaro kama¸ maorI bahnaa hO tU PyaarI¸
The caterpillar said, “Ok”. After some time she made a cocoon and became a butterfly. She was happy and went
pirvaar ka kao[- matlaba nahIM Agar na hao maaÐ ka naama. hO tU sabasao hI nyaarI.
to the wise old flower. The wise old flower smiled and named her Betty Butterfly.
maaÐ ka hr $p haota hO inaralaa¸ Pyaar saBaI ka patI hO¸
Betty said, “thank you” and moved ahead.
maaÐ ¹ baoTo ka irSta haota hO sabasao Pyaara. sabako mana kao BaatI hO.
Suddenly she saw the pink flower and said "Hey pink flower, look now I am a pretty butterfly. Will you let me play
Garvit Patni - II B raoja,anaa ivad\yaalaya hO jaatI¸
with your bud now?”
pZ,nao sao tU kBaI na ktratI.
The pink flower turned and said, “Oh dear butterfly, I am the bud. The winds of change made me bloom into a
Kuba saarI mastI krtI¸
flower. But they took my mama away. I miss her." Betty then asked her if she wants to be friends.
Daisy Singh - I A DaÐT Kanao sao ja,ra na DrtI.
Pink flower said, “yes”. They laughed. They became best friends and played together every day.
Indian Culture hmaara Pyaar banaa rho¸
Mysha Kitekar - I C tU hmaoSaa KuSa rho.
India's wealth exists in its splendid temples, shrines,
Anaya Ghanwat - III B
glistening golden beaches, shimmering waterfalls,
luxuriant forests, wooden hills, beautiful wildlife,
crowing architecture, sculptures, and other diverse arts
jaanao kba Apnao ima~aoM sao ifr and crafts. Winds Of Change
imala paeÐgao Æ The culture of India is prominent in the food, clothing, As we flipped the calendar,
The Change and the habits of its people. Every state of India takes We started feeling something strange
phlao na haota qaa kuC BaI eosaa¸ It is always said that the only thing which never changes pride in its different languages, dress-ups, religion, food Trying to get things in order,
[sa mahamaarI nao sabakuC kr idyaa jaanao kOsaa. preparations, festivals, dance, music, architecture, etc.
is change itself. Change can help us grow, learn and go Little did we know, they were the winds of change.
pUra idna maaobaa[la¸ TIºvaIº kao GaUrto rhto hOM¸ ahead in our lives. Change can make us or break us and Spanning from the snow-capped Himalayas to the The future is to bring good or bad,
ibanaa ksart Kato¹pIto rhto hOM. hence we must control change by our own attitude. southern peninsula, from the Thar desert to the deltas No one knows for certain
in the east, India is a blend of various cultures, yet the
na jaanao kba AaeÐgao vaao idna¸ One such change has happened to our mother nature, people of India believe in harmony and unity. But we will learn from all that we had,
skUla basa kI iKD,kI sao caIja,oM laoMgao igana. who is now furious with all of us and that change is And let the sunrise in, pulling the curtain.
There is so much to see and discover around each and
jaanao kba savaoro ¹ savaoro ivad\yaalaya jaaeÐgao¸ globally called 'climate change'. It is very concerning every corner of this country, which is amazingly rich, Naisha Jayesh Gharat - II B
jaanao kba Apnao ima~aoM sao ifr imala paeÐgaoÆ that we could not control this change in a good manner.
Now that we are stuck in our houses since so long, diverse, and steeped in history.
Akshainie Verma - IV B
nature is not even allowing us to see how it is healing I LOVE MY COUNTRY.
and becoming more beautiful than ever before. Tanishka Panda - VC laa^kDa]na AaOr daost
We have learnt a lesson now and we need to bring daostaoM ka saaqa hO Pyaara¸
changes in ourselves to control this course of climate
daostI ka irSta jahaÐ maoM sabasao nyaara.
changes. Mother nature is so kind that she will forget
daost haota hO sabasao AcCa¸
our wrong doings and will allow us to be a part of it all
yao irSta haota duinayaa maoM sabasao saccaa.
over again. So, change is good but only when it is good
for all of us, including mother nature. daost Aato hOM bahut kama¸
saubah sao laokr Saama.
Vedashri Rawool - II B
laa^kDa]na maoM hu[- mauJao daostaoM kI phcaana¸
daost ibanaa ija,MdgaI saunasaana.
Jaiman Sharma - III B
Eraa Parsekar - II C Ishana Thakur - III A
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