Page 221 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 221


                Ancient people recognised the RAINBOW as a  sign of peace and of
                harmony. The ancient Hebrews recognised it as a sign given by the Creator
                that he wants all living things to live and to flourish in peace and harmony;

                all clans, all tribes, all colours, all faiths, all nations.

                In our own land, once upon a time,
                All the colours in the world started to quarrel.
                Each claiming that the other wasn't worth a dime

                And that they themselves deserved all laurels!

                Green said, "I am the sign of life and hope in the colour of trees ,
                Look out onto the countryside, see me dancing with the breeze."
                Blue interrupted, "Along with the land, also consider the sky and the sea,
                under my shelter comes the emotion of solitude and ease."

                Yellow chuckled, "I bring laughter gaiety and warmth to the world,

                Every time you look at a sunflower, you start to smile!"
                Orange started to blow his own trumpet, "Health and strength, from me, unfurl
                Be it food, flowers or picturesque sunsets, I am omnipresent and versatile"

                Red could not stand it any longer, so he shouted out in rage,

                "I am the colour of life and blood, but also, passion and romance."
                Purple rose up to his full height, "I am the only one who gets better with age
                Royals have chosen me as their colour, since I showcase a majestic glance."

                All the colours went on and on, arguing angrily,
                Claiming their respective selves to be the best!
                Suddenly, the rain started pouring relentlessly,
                And the colours all drew close to one another for comfort forming a nest.

                Then rain spoke "you foolish colours fighting amongst yourselves,
                He made you all for the special purpose unique and different.
                The Creator needs you all to come together as a shelf,
                He will stretch you out across the sky as a band of colours coherent!"

                                                                            Mynaah Malhotra - IX B

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