Page 101 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 101

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your

                                               mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”

                                           The Falcon symbolizes  victory,  success,  and rising above
                                           challenging situations.  The conscientious members of the
                                           Falcon  House  always work diligently  and have treated
                                                                           problems as guidelines and not

                                                                           stop  signs. The Falcon  house
                                                                           comprises naturally talented, and
                                                                           confident students whose main

                                                                           focus is achieving their goals with
                                                                           hard work and perseverance.
                                                                           The colour blue of the house is
                                                                           linked  to consciousness  and
                                                                           intellect. True to this symbolism,

                                                                           the Falcon house motto  is to
                                                                           always plan and think ahead.

                                                                            The academic year 2019-20 was
                                                                           a very  eventful year for the
                                                                           Falcon House. It helped us to
                                                                          discover our strengths and convert
                                           challenges into opportunities. It was an excellent year with

                                           many successes achieved with cooperation and coordination.
                                           The Falcons believe in not resting on the laurels achieved
                                           but continue to take intense effort to bring more glory to the

                                           house and keep its flag flying higher.

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