Page 15 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2021-22
P. 15
It was once truly said- celebrate the endings for they precede new beginnings.
Working for the school magazine editorial in my class IX after which I will be embarking onto a
new journey is surely a rich and memorable experience that I will be ever grateful for. Working
on the editorial team has given me an insight into the beautiful minds of budding writers of our
school. Reading all the articles has given me a perspective of how nice and novel people's
thoughts and ideas could be and choosing the best ones among the many has honed my
decision-making. It was an absolute pleasure knowing all the editorial board members and
working together with them. I have learnt so much from my time on the editorial board and I
am excited to take forward all the knowledge I learnt from working on it forward. Gratitude to
all my teachers who gave us the necessary support and resources to design the magazine.
~ Sai Anjali Nukala
Mahatma Gandhi rightly said, "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live
My experience as the magazine's editor was a pleasure, and I am grateful for the opportunity. The
enthusiastic write ups of our young writers are indubitably sufficient to hold the interest and
admiration of the readers. This herculean task of editing this school magazine would not have
been possible without the sincere support of the members of the Editorial Board who sorted of
the articles from the flood of articles we got from our enthusiastic and inquisitive young writers,
edited them and finally made a fair draft of them. I am really thankful to our respected teachers
for entrusting us with the responsibility of editing.
Happy Reading!
~ Reet Kaur
‘Every new experience brings its own maturity and a greater clarity of vision – Indira Gandhi.
Being a part of the editorial board was indeed exceptional and one of the best adventures of my
life. We all were filled with so much energy, passion and determination while setting our goal for
this magazine high, but proceeded deliberately, enjoying and talking about each piece of this
creative process while it lasted. Along with difficulties, the virtual school setup opened us to
various new opportunities bringing me the utmost joy and enriching values. I hope everyone’s
dedication would be appreciated and cherished by one and all. At the end of this beautiful
journey, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for our teachers' unfailing support and
contributions to bring out the best in us!
~ Ria Jain