Page 13 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2021-22
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with a cash prize of Rs 21,000. The school has been recognised as Microsoft Showcase School in   •  Joanne Alex, a Class 12 student won the 2nd position in the JuniorSkills Championship 2021   University of Leeds, Penn State University, McMaster University, Deakin University, University of   STEAM activities at all grade levels provided students with an engaging hands-on and exploratory   objective  of this workshop was to keep  the children  gainfully engaged  while enh
 2022,  thus forming a part of the select  global community of schools engaged in digital   in the Skill  Category – Digital Photography (Senior Group),  organised by National Skill   Miami, York University, Canada,  University  of South Florida, Regents University, London,   learning experience, while also enhancing their analytical and problem-solving abilities.  The   creative skills and making them realise the importance of dedication, hard work, and responsibility.
 transformation to improve teaching and learning.   Development Corporation (NSDC) in partnership with CBSE. She received a Silver Medal   Perpetual Help College of Manila, Philippines, Sacramento State University, California, Concordia   projects such as parachute making, construction of a boat, etc., introduced in the Pre-Primary and
 and a Certificate.  University, Canada and Washington State University.    progressing to projects like Solaris Orbitron (Mobile Application), Insignia (Indian Sign Language   PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME
 BOARD RESULTS  converter/generator), etc., in the Senior Secondary School helped the students experience guided   Professional development of teachers and administrative staff is an important effort at our school,
 •  An innovative project, a desktop application entitled Hunting Exoplanets in Space, on the   A Virtual University Fair was conducted on 23 August 2021. It was an opportunity for the students   inquiry and creative process. The pedagogy is based on approaches like scientific inquiry, real-world   and includes  training, practice, and follow-up support. In  addition to strengthening  teachers'

 Our Class 12 Batch of 2022 achieved 100% results in the CBSE Examinations. Sukriti Choudhary   theme Explore Space designed by our students Tanishka Darira and Jahnvi Arora of Class 12   and parents to connect with Admission Officers from global universities and clarify their doubts   problems, projects, case studies, play-and-learn, storytelling, etc.  pedagogical knowledge and skills, the programme makes it possible for them to systematically share
 (Science Stream) with a 98.2% score secured the 1st position in the school across all the streams.   earned the 8th position among the top 75 innovative projects in the ATL Space Challenge   about making an informed higher education decision. At the fair, students had first-hand access to   their knowledge and experience as many of the sessions are led by themselves. In the academic year
 In the Science Stream, Aditya Jindal secured the 2nd position with a score of 97.2%, and Mayank   2021.  representatives from over 100 universities under one roof. The students had one-to-one meetings   To take the mission of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi forward, as per the guidelines of   2021-22,  the teaching and administrative staff participated  in 121  internal and external
 Gulati with 95.8% is placed in the 3rd position. In the Commerce Stream, Nishtha scored 95.8% to   •  Leeza Sayed of Class 7 was awarded Rs 10,000 in the first round and qualified for the second   with these representatives and were provided with brochures. They were guided and oriented to   CBSE, Fit India School Week was celebrated from 30 November to 8 December 2021. Various   professional development programmes and a total of 2664 hours of online courses on topics li
 secure the 1st position, followed by Sambhav Chaudhary at the 2nd position with 95.6%, and   round of the INSPIRE Awards - MANAK for her innovative idea ‘Dewumen’ - a dishwasher   make informed decisions to study abroad and choose a programme and university of their liking   competitions and activities were held to enhance the physical and mental fitness of the students   fostering creativity, 21st century skills, competency-based learning, changes in assessment patterns
 Abhinav Thaker at the 3rd position with a score of 95.2%. A total of 94 students appeared in the   cum exercise machine. The Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)   from among participating universities. The fair helped the students to access information on the   and staff.  (CBSE) etc.

 Class 12 Board Examination this year: 57 from Science Stream, 27 from Commerce Stream, and 10   scheme is one of the flagship programmes of the Department of Science & Technology (DST),   modalities of admissions and the overall experience of overseas education.   Swachhata Pakhwada was celebrated from 1 September to 15 September 2021, conducting several
 from Skill Subjects Stream. 6.38% of students scored 95% and above, whereas 24.26% of students   Government of India.  activities to commemorate and promote the message of sanitation and cleanliness.  I take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to Smt. Nita M. Ambani, Founder and
 scored 90% and above. 73.4% of students recorded Distinction by scoring 75% and above. 54   A workshop on Visual Thinking was facilitated by O. P. Jindal University on 19 April 2021 for the   Chairperson of Reliance Foundation, for her inspirational leadership and guidance to build on our
 students together achieved 144 A1 Grades in various subjects. The school average score is an   •  Our students participated online in the event organised by Indian Centre for Plastics in the   students of Classes 9, 10,  and 12. Theworkshopaimed at  training the students to read and   The students of Classes LKG to 4 presented a magnificent virtual show - Cultural Fiesta to mark   school’s culture of excellence with a focus on children’s holistic development and well-bei
 impressive 81.33%. In the Commerce stream, the school average score stands at 86.08%, and in the   Environment (ICPE) and won the ‘Top Ten Schools Award’, for sending the largest number of   composevisualmessages and help participants to develop their ownvisuallanguage. The workshop   the culmination of the academic year. The theme of the show was ‘Bharat Ke Kai Rang’ which was   continue to set new benchmarks of performance in every facet of the school’s activities.
 Science stream, the school average score is 80.36%.  entries in the All-India School Contest 2021.  enhanced the students’ imagination by integrating photography and motion and synthesising them   showcased by the students through various performing arts in their own small ways with lots of   I am very thankful to Shri Sanjay Mashruwala, Chairman of the School Management Committee,
 I  have great pleasure  in presenting  the Annual Report of Reliance  Foundation School,   •  In  Saksham Online  National Competition 2021-22 organised  by  Petroleum  Conservation   digitally through post-production. It also helped the students to read and compose virtual messages   enthusiasm and love. The programme unfolded a starburst of colours, joy, splendour, and emotions   for his ongoing and unwavering support, which always enables us to strengthen our efforts

 Koparkhairane for the Academic Year 2021-2022. After a hiatus of over 18 months and with partial   With a remarkable average score of 88.51%, the Class 10 Batch of 2022 posted 100% results in the   Research Association (PCRA), our students won prizes in Essay Writing, Quiz, and Painting.   and develop their ownvisuallanguage.   and provided a wonderful opportunity for the students to showcase their talents. The valuable   improve our performance. I am grateful to Shri. V
 return of students to the school towards the end of the session, the full school resumed at the start   CBSE  Examinations. Pari  Kulkarni and Riddhi  Das with a score  of 98.6% emerged  as  school   Each of these students also won a cash prize of Rs 4000.  A session on ‘Shortlisting US Universities and Navigating University Websites’ was conducted for   thoughts and ideas of the teachers in addition to the parents added charm to the event and made   whose educational in
 of the new academic year in April 2022. It was indeed motivating and fulfilling to see our students   toppers, followed by Kim Mohite at 97.4% clinching the 2nd position, and  Yachana Shah with a   the students of Classes 9 to 12 by representatives from American universities. The session threw   it a glorious affair.  the finest learning experience to our students.
 and staff transitioning seamlessly and confidently to the ‘new normal’, and the support extended by   score of 96.8% was placed in the 3rd position. A total of 87 students took the Board Examination   •  Shashwat Singhal of Class 9 secured the 1st position in the Hindustan Times Code-a-Thon:   light on research-based  universities,  liberal  arts, and science  and specialised  schools. It also
 parents during this challenging phase was truly encouraging. The school continued to focus on its   this year. 21.83% of students scored 95% and above, whereas 52.87% of students scored 90% and   Game Development, India’s largest coding event, in the category of 13-14 years in the South   emphasised choosing the best college by doing a self-evaluation of one’s abilities and interests,   The school celebrated the Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat initiative in January 2022, as a
 core academic mission of inspiring every student to excel in academics, sports and co-curricular   above. 95.4% of students recorded Distinction by scoring 75% and above. 9 students together   Zone. He was also presented with a laptop for this achievement.  CBSE. In this programme,  Odisha has been paired with  Maharashtra.  This aimed to  actively   Ms Shalini Garg - Vice Principal; and Ms Kusha Sharma – Headmistress - for all of their hard work,
 activities. Never has this mission been more important than this year when our students have   achieved 11 Perfect 100s in English, Mathematics, and Sanskrit. In all five subjects, 23 students   defining personal goals, financial budget, and academic match.   enhance interaction between people of diverse cultures living in different States and UTs in India,   devotion, and contributions to our school's success.
 returned to the school after their experience of learning from home.  have scored 90 and above, and 18 students secured A1 Grades. 72 students together achieved 226   •  3 teachers brought laurels to the school with their outstanding performance at the CENTA   to promote greater mutual understanding amongst them. Through various activities, the students
 A1 Grades across various subjects.  (Centre for Teacher Accreditation) Teaching Professionals’ Olympiad 2021 – this scholarship   KEY ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS  could admire and appreciate the cultures  of both states and thus, strengthen  the sense  of   I wholeheartedly thank  the efforts and support  extended by the Academic and Activity
 While  the  learning  loss  and social-emotional well-being  among students,  on account of the   programme for teachers at the national level is sponsored by Reliance Foundation.  togetherness and bonding.  Coordinators, Heads of Departments, and teachers throughout the year in sustaining the growth
 pandemic, have been a challenge globally, our educators rose to the occasion and attuned their   ACHIEVEMENTS AND ACCOLADES  The School Task Force created an extensive plan for the reopening of the school, taking into   and development of our school. Our administrative staff has always provided outstanding support;
 teaching methods and pastoral care to support back-to-school learning, leveraging technology and   COLLEGE COUNSELLING AND UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT SUPPORT  account every safety aspect and all Covid-19 regulations, including detailed actionable checklists   Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE) organised a webinar on 12 October 2021 to   through their dedication and commitment,  they have always been the pillars of our school,
 sensitively dealing with each situation. I am happy to share that we have been successful to a great   The 2021-22 calendar was marked with joyful learning, celebrations, and competitions. Every event   and infographics. From January 2022, the school steadily moved to the hybrid mode of teaching and   cover the various aspects of plastics, particularly plastics in the environment, for the students of   especially during the pandemic times. My deepest gratitude goes out t
 extent in bringing our children back to the rhythm of learning as well as increasing their confidence   was defined by constant and earnest efforts, demonstrating excellence not only in academics but in   The culmination of students’ school education is their university placement and this is a vital and   learning in a phased manner for ensuring that students learn in the best possible way. In the hybrid   Classes 9 and 11. The webinar focused on reimagining, recreating,
 and improving their well-being.  all sports and co-curricular pursuits as well.  deciding factor in their lives. The Career and College Counselling programme offers students an   mode, students were given the option to attend the school in person from the campus or continue   aiding the undamaged resources.  This webinar inspired  the students  to take action and adopt   express our thanks for the ongoing support we have been receiving from Reliance Foundation
 array of resources designed to help them find the university of their choice, matching their aptitude   to attend virtually. Virtual Booths were set up in every classroom and real-time class lectures were   sustainable practices while being mindful of the issues around them.  Schools Academic Council.
 I  am delighted  to share  that the Education World  ranked  Reliance  Foundation School,   •  Sukriti Choudhary, Mayank Gulati, and Aditya Deshpande qualified for the Joint Entrance   and performance. Student  Care Services  Department facilitates the students  with completing   streamed live for students who attended classes online. The experiments were streamed live from
 Koparkhairane as the 2nd Best School in Navi Mumbai. The school also received 7th rank in   Examination (JEE) Advanced 2022 and secured admission for B. Tech Chemical Engineering   applications to several universities by writing Letters of Recommendation, preparing Transcripts,   the laboratories for the students to have a better understanding of the processes involved. Our   The school counsellors conducted several informative and enriching sessions such as ‘Good Touch
 Maharashtra and 28th rank at the national level. The school was rated high on Competence of   at IIT Madras, B. Tech Computer Science at IIT Gandhinagar and B. Tech Civil Engineering   issuing Bonafide certificates, filling out information on the CommonApp and UCAS application   teachers' commitment and the steadfast support of parents enabled us to provide students with   and Bad  Touch’  for the students of Kindergarten, ‘Good  Manners and Respect’,  ‘Health  and   for
 Faculty, Co-Curricular Education and Internationalism, Teacher Welfare and Development,   at IIT Madras, respectively.  portal, emailing universities the required documents, helping students prepare for Euclid math   personalised learning experiences and helped them embrace the new mode of learning. Hybrid   Hygiene’, and ‘Junk Food and its Effects’ for the students of Primary School, ‘Study Skills’, ‘Respect   our shared goal of creating a happy school!
 Curriculum  and  Pedagogy  (Hybrid  Learning  Readiness),  Leadership/Management  Quality,   competition by Waterloo University, and so on.  learning was an enriching and transformative experience for students  and teachers alike.   and Gender Sensitivity’, ‘Digital Well Being’ and ‘Time Management’ for the students of Middle,
 Academic Reputation, Sports Education, and Individual Attention to Students.  •  Team ‘Creative Genius’ headed by Sukriti Choudhary along with team members Vyapti Gupta   Secondary and Senior Secondary School.  Wishing you all a happy reading!
 and Mayank Gulati of Class 12, bagged prize money of Rs 25,000 for their project ‘Insignia’   Our students were selected by several prestigious universities and colleges in India and abroad such   Teaching-learning became more engaging, and technology integration and 21st Century Learning
 In Swachh Sarvekshan 2022, the school was awarded 1st position with a cash prize of Rs 15,000 by   which was among the best 9 projects selected for the Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon   as Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), CEPT University, Christ University,   Design were embedded in in-person classroom transactions. To make teaching-learning seamless,   The annual  student workshop  for Classes 4 to  8 was conducted from 10 to  18 March 2022,
 NMMC in Koparkhairane E Ward, and secured 2nd position in the Navi Mumbai Municipal Area   2022.  D Y Patil University, King's  College, London, University  of Warwick, University  of Illinois,   our teachers integrated the latest academic practices with user-friendly advanced technology tools.  involving sessions in music, dance, art, sports, computer science, science project, and cookery. The

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