Page 76 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
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Pre-Primary School
The main objective of our Pre-Primary School is to achieve the holistic development of students through an
excellent academic and physical environment that is conducive to learning, developing creativity and
exploration. Throughout the pre-school stage, we offer an integral education that is characterised by close and
careful monitoring of each child and his/her development; always keeping in mind the individual maturity
process. At this exciting learning stage, each child encounters the creative spaces that allow for exploration and
Virtual field trips allowed the students to explore places important to their discipline of study and consistent with
discovery and that will activate their imagination. This year, the teachers embraced the challenges of online
their individual learning needs. The students were guided through nature walks, neighbourhood visits, jungle
teaching with enthusiasm and positivity. The positive feedback from the parents outweighed the challenges we
safari, farm visits and so on. Many covid awareness sessions were held focusing on washing hands wearing masks,
had during this pandemic situation.
social distancing and good health behaviours such as covering coughs and sneezes with the elbow etc.
Every day, circle time and show and tell were conducted as part of a group-time curriculum, to help children build
Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are an essential part of the life of an educational institution as they
language skills and increase their confidence. Assemblies were also conducted every month by each class. All the
strengthen classroom learning as well as develop the personality of the child and harness the in-depth potential
children participated passionately to make it a successful event. To develop good personal habits and follow the
of students. Physical education, music and dance activities were conducted throughout the year.
basic social rules that lead to enjoyment of sharing experiences and learning, Montessori activities were
conducted on the asynchronous platform. Despite COVID-19 unearthing new challenges and inequities, we could build strong relationships with
students, families and each other and sail through these challenges together.
Festivals are perceived as an important part of education as they can help to create a sense of national or cultural
community among the students. To foster national integration, international understanding, religious and
cultural awareness and tolerance, various national, religious and cultural festivals and occasions were celebrated
on the virtual platform to bring students closer to traditional and cultural beliefs. The school gives due
recognition to significant global events and celebrate these days. Some of the events celebrated were Fathers'
Day, Mothers' Day, Grandparents' Day, Colour Days, Rainbow Day, Environment Day, Earth Day and so on to
understand the importance of bonding together, sharing joy and celebrating happiness.
Various activities were designed to effectively cater to the needs of children, with activities that boost gross
motor skills, prewriting and prereading skills, mental development and physical growth – all while learning
online to collaborate with their peers, develop the confidence to face challenges and learn problem-solving.
Emphasis was given on the development of artistic expression through experiences that enrich and inspire while
making use of different resources and techniques. Special art and craft classes were taken up in the asynchronous
platform to develop art integrated learning.
To develop and manage emotional intelligence, games and experiences were shared with the students that
allowed them to develop strategies and abilities that are of great help in the present day. Life skill lessons were
imparted through storytelling and fun activities. The technological tools and interactive media platforms made
learning fun and were entertaining to the children. The teachers incorporated interactive and multi-touch
platforms, designed to promote active and creative learning among the students. This also encouraged them to
participate and collaborate with their classmates.
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