Page 174 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 174

By the window side                                                                                               The beauty of nature

                                                                                                                                  Nature is the most beautiful which makes us happy and provides us with a natural environment to live
                  It has been more than a year
                                                                                                                                  healthily. Our nature provides us variety of beautiful flowers, attractive birds, animals, green plants, blue
                        Of living in fear
                    Of frustration and pain                 ‘saMtaoYaM prma\ sauKM'                                               sky, land, running rivers, sea, forests, air, mountains, valleys, hills and many more things. Our God has
                       Of loss than gain                                                                                          created a beautiful nature for our healthy living. All the things we use for our living are the assets of nature
                                                            Saas~aoM maoM kha gayaa hO ik yaid jaIvana maoM vaastivak KuSaI kI [cCa hO tao   which we should not spoil and damage. We should not destroy the originality of nature and should not
                    The pandemic locked us                                                                                        imbalance the ecosystem cycle. Our nature provides us with a beautiful environment to live and enjoy so it
                      The virus blocked us                  saMtaoYa kao Apnaa AaBaUYaNa banaanaa haogaa tBaI hma jaIvana ko AanaMd ka   is our responsibility to keep it clean and away from all the damages. In the modern era, many selfish and bad
                    To move about and meet                  AnauBava kr paeÐgao.mahiYa- ptMjaila nao yaaoga saU~ maoM Aai%mak bala kao   activities of human beings have disturbed nature to a great extent. But we all should try to maintain our
                                                            P`aaPt krnao ko ilae saMtaoYa kao jaIvana SaOlaI ka AiBanna ihssaa maanaa hO.
                To physically interact and greet                                                                                  nature's beauty.
                                                            saMtaoYa kao hmaoM ApnaI jaIvana SaOlaI maoM Apnaanaa haogaa jaao ik na kovala
                 It distanced us from our peers             samast samasyaaAaoM ka hla hO Aiptu jaIvana jaInao kI klaa BaI hO.    Nature is an important and integral part of mankind. It is one of the greatest blessings for human life;
                    Reduced many to tears                                                                                         however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for numerous poets,
                     Caged us in our home                   vat-maana samaya AinaiScattaAaoM ka samaya hO.kaoraonaa mahamaarI nao pUro   writers, artists and more of yesteryear. This remarkable creation inspired them to write poems and stories in
                Took away the freedom to roam               ivaSva kao na kovala AatMikt ikyaa Aiptu Aakula¹vyaakula kr idyaa     the glory of it. They truly valued nature which reflects in their works even today. Essentially, nature is
                                                            hO.eosao samaya maoM hmaoM ApnaI P`aaqaimaktaAaoM ka cayana kr ApnaI jaIvana
                   It gave us an opportunity                                                                                      everything we are surrounded by like the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun we soak in, the birds we
                                                            SaOlaI kao BaartIya sanaatna prMpra kI Aaor Zkolanaa haogaa.yaid hma
                       To look inwardly                    vaastva maoM ivacaar kroM tao hma saBaI nao Apnao jaIvana kao vat-maana   hear chirping, the moon we gaze at and more. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and consists of both living and
                       To learn new skills                                                                                        non-living  things.  Therefore,  people  of  the  modern  age  should  also  learn  something  from  people  of
                                                           pirisqait ko Anau$p Zalanaa SauÉ BaI kr idyaa hO. ApnaI AsaIimat
                      To crack new deals                                                                                          yesteryear and start valuing nature before it gets too late nature has been in existence long before humans
                                                           [cCaAaoM kao kma krko¸ Apnao Kana¹pana¸ rhna¹ sahna kao saaQaarNa
                       It helped us to see                 trIko sao Apnaakr hma saBaI nao yah isad\Qa kr idyaa hO ik BaartIya    and ever since it has taken care of mankind and nourished it forever. In other words, it offers us a protective
              Through the windows and balconies            saMskRit ka AaQaar saMyama tqaa saMtaoYa hI hO AaOr yahI vaastivak     layer  that  guards  us  against  all  kinds  of  damages  and  harms.  Survival  of  mankind  without  nature  is
                     The wonders of nature                 P`asannata ka karNa BaI hO.                                            impossible and humans need to understand that.
                     The promise of future                                                                                        Priyanka Shukla
                                                           hmaoM Apnao jaIvana maoM saMtaoYa ka AByaasa krnaa caaihe. jaao kuC hmaaro
                      Bhumika Bhowmick                     pasa [-Svar ka idyaa hO vah Anamaaola hO tqaa ]sako samaana saMsaar maoM kao[-
                                                           dUsarI vastu nahIM eosao Baava hmaoM Apnao )dya maoM laanao ka inarMtr AByaasa   A Vision Starts with a Thought
                                                           krto rhnao sao hma inaScaya hI prma sauK ka AnauBava kr paeÐgao.yah    The vision for anything starts with a small thought as millions of miles starts with a small step. Your thoughts
                        Happiness                          ek P`akar ka yaaoga hO jaao hmaoM samast ivaYayajanya AakaMxaaAaoM sao   decide your future.
                                                           ivamau@t krta hO tqaa saccaa [Msaana bananao kI P`aorNaa dota hO.saMtaoYa kI
                  Happiness is like a butterfly            isad\iQa tBaI safla haogaI jaba hma nakara%mak ivacaaraoM tqaa         Many  biographies  and  autobiographies  you  have  read  so  far.  There  is  a  common  thing  in  all  these
                Beautiful, vibrant and full of life,       nakara%makta fOlaanao vaalao vyai@yaaoM sao dUr rhkr sakara%mak vaatavarNa   biographies: a thought which furnished to be a vision.
                    It comes now and then                  maoM svayaM kao AaQyaa%ma sao jaaoD,nao ka P`ayaasa kroM.              During this lockdown, I witnessed a very small but powerful scene. It's not a story but an experience I would
                    And brings joy and bliss.                                                                                     like to share.
                                                           manausmait maoM Aacaaya- manau nao kha BaI hO ik¹
                 Happiness is all about having                                                                                    Every day a small sunbird used to come to my balcony (covered by net) with some thought in its mind (GOAL).
                                                           saMtaoYaM prmaasqaaya sauKaqaI- saMyatao Bavaot\.
                Good health and peace of mind,             saMtaoYamaUlaM ih sauKM du:KmaUlaM ivapya-ya:..    ³manausmaRit 4À12´  Let's name it Sunny. Sunny reports to the balcony at sharp 6:30 a.m. (PUNCTUALITY). It used to bring very
                In giving others a reason to smile                                                                                small twigs, small thread-like structures from scraps, etc. (FOUNDATION). There were a few bigger birds like
               And in being positive at all times.                                                                                crows and sparrows who were not able to enter the net but behaved like a critic while Sunny was doing all this
                                                           prma sauK caahnao vaalao vyai@t kao A%yaMt saMtaoYaI svaBaava ka tqaa
               Happiness is celebrating small wins                                                                                work (BEING DEAF FOR DISCOURAGEMENT). But Sunny kept on doing the good work as it was very
                   To be with people we love,              ApnaI [cCaAaoM pr inayaM~Na rKnao vaalaa haonaa caaihe @yaaoMik saMtaoYa hI   clear about its vision (CONSISTENCY). One day there was a heavy wind which destroyed all the work done by
                 In being grateful for everything          samast sauKaoM ka karNa hO tqaa ]saka ]lTa AsaMtaoYa Anaok duKaoM ka   Sunny (FAILURE). But Sunny did not bow in front of the adverse situation (STRONG DETERMINATION).
                 And in loving the life, as it is.         karNa hO.                                                              It did not stop. The process of preparing the nest by Sunny was marvellous as it seems like it has a clear picture of

             Happiness is priceless, beyond compare        Qanyavaad                                                              its objective (PLANNING). Finally, the day came when the nest was complete (OUTCOME). The nest was
                   We look for it everywhere,              Da^ AiBalaaYaa i~pazI                                                  complete in spite of so many hurdles and criticism.
              But being happy is a matter of choice                                                                               The words written in the bracket are the keys to setting your vision properly and reaching your goal. And
             For happiness resides within each of us.                                                                             believe me, you can achieve your goal because you have more in you than you think. You just need to chase
                                                                                                                                  it. All the best !!
                         Shikha Gupta
                                                                                                                                  Sarmistha Panda

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