Page 134 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 134

badla dao naja,iryaa, jaInao ko ilae KaAao

                                                sabakao psaMd hOM AcCa Kanaa,
                                            vahI hmaaro ijaMdgaI kao banaata hO sauhanaa.                                      Corona: The virus that came, conquered
                                                banaae caaho maaÐ yaa baavarcaI,
                                             saBaI kao caaihe qaaoD,a GaI AaOr imacaI-.                                        and taught
                                             vaah! mauÐh maoM Aayao panaI jaba doKo malaa[-,
                                               pr poT krta hO [sakI baura[-.                                                   As we all know the world has been attacked by a new virus known as
                                                                                                                               the COVID 19. We are forced to sit home and watch as this virus
                                            maata dotI hO qaalaIBar hrI baosvaad palak,
                                        svaasqya ko ilae AcCa hO pr GaRNaa krta hO baalak.                                     continues to spread. We know that one with good immunity can
                                               saBaI AcCo saoht kao kOsao pae,                                                 survive this virus easily, but one with bad immunity can have a tough
                                              jaba laaoga Asvasqa Baaojana Kae Æ                                               time going through with the virus. We all are having a tough time
                                               poTBar Kato haoo maja,odar ipj,j,aa,                                            facing  this  virus  this  involves  a  lot  of  changes  mental,  social,
                                              rat kOsao AaegaI caOna kI inad`a Æ                                               individual and global too. The main change we are all experiencing is
                                           iksaI Baaojanaalaya ko qaalaI maoM maÐgavaayaa Aahar,                               change in our diet. we have changed our food habits forcibly and for    Tirth Suvarna - VII C
                                           dogaa @yaa maaÐ ko Kanao ka laaD, AaOr Pyaar?
                                       tao badla dao naj,airyaa KaAao Gar ka svasqa svaaidYT Kanaa,                            the good. We are obliged to eat homemade food and avoid food from
                                          saIK jaaAao jaIvana kao A%yaiQak KuSaI sao jaInaa!                                   restaurants. To improve our immunity, we started eating all kinds of healthy things. Earlier restaurants didn't
                                                                                                                               used to be there and all people ate homemade food, that's the reason they used to be healthy. After the
                                               Nagappan N. - VI C
                                                                                                                               industrialisation and commercialization of food industry eating at restaurants was a daily thing. Now with the
                                                                                                                               change the virus has brought people again have to eat homemade and healthy food. Another major change in our
                                                                                                                               lives is the daily routine. We've started exercising to increase our immunity. Dromore work like cleaning the
                       Covid-19 and the Future of Robotics                                                                     house or washing the dishes the work that we hired maids for. Earlier there used to beno maids people used to do
                                                                                                                               their  work  on  their  own  therefore,  eliminating  the  need  for  exercise.  But  after  the  industrial  revolution
                       Robotics has created a revolution in the world. It is the artificial intelligence that                  development of machinery people became lazy. And once again the virus has given us a chance to improvise.
                       helps and assists humans in their daily lives.                                                          On another level the virus has turned the tables of the long fight between pollution and the environment. For
                       Now,  in  the  midst  of  COVID-19,  connected  supermarkets  like  Amazon,                             years the nature has suffered the torture of humans. Now sweal are sitting at home the nature has a chance to
                       GoGrocery,  BigBasket,  and  Flipkart;  amongst  others;  use  technology  that                         heal. Wean see the blue sky, the mountains because of the smog clearing up because nobody is allowed to drive or
                       employs computer vision, sensor fusion and deep learning to eliminate the need                          get-out their homes to litter. We are giving a chance for the Earth to breathe just like in the old days. People from
                       for staffed checkouts.                                                                                  around the globe have come together to fight off this virus. The entire world is buzzing with uncertainty. All

                       These are the same types of technologies used in self-driving cars. Connected                           countries are helping each other. India is supplying America with the medicine known as Hydroxychloroquine
                       supermarkets have eradicated standing in line ups and the traditional checkout                          and America is repaying the favour by supplying ventilators to India. While all these good things come out of the
                       experience, as well as the more recent self-checkout experience.                                        virus there are some bad sides to it too. Sitting at home, some people are separated from their family leading to
                                                                                                                               depression ragtimelike this with no friend or family support. Due to this, people have been hooked to social
                       There are also autonomous robot cleaners that use ultraviolent light to disinfect
                                                                                                                               media, which is increasing their screen time and straining their eyes. Toado it there is online school and kids have
                       hospitals and medical facilities.
                                                                                                                               been straining their eyes more than ever. Even assignments have to be done on the computer increasing their
                       There are also robots to check the temperature of the patients. Zorabot is an                           screen time. People can't get out of their homes and are lazing around most of the time. The activity in kids has
                       elder-care robot. These robots are designed to increase independence and reduce                         been also reduced, and that can be dangerous for them. So, the corona virus is here to help us introspect at where
                       loneliness of the senior-citizens.                                                                      we were going wrong in our lives. Though science has always come to our rescue, there can be times when it will
                       As we emerge from this pandemic, we need to be mindful that employment and                              not have a solution immediately and sowed need to start acting on “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE
                       automation are mutually inclusive, because implementing one will not rule out                           “and start making changes in our lives permanently.
                       the other. So, the future of robotics is bright and has a long way to go in the                         Vivaan Chavan - VIII A
                       coming years.
                       Tirth Suvarna - VII C

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