Page 14 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 14

The School Year Unlike Any Other

                Despite all the fears and challenges, the school embraced the pandemic situation

                and rose to the occasion and provided end-to-end support to all the staff and
                students in their digital transformation journey. Continuous training was provided

                to effectively transform digitally. Microsoft Teams helped a seamless transition
                from  offline  to  remote  learning.  The  school  made  sure  that  all  are  uniquely
                positioned  to  deal  with  this  unprecedented  situation.  The  school  took  the

                initiative  of  enhancing  its  staff's  technical  knowledge,  competence,  skill  and
                effectiveness by providing specialised training in the latest pedagogy and digital

                classroom practices.

                                                                                                                               •  Frequently  Encountered  Doubts  (FED)               •  Enrichment classes are conducted for the high
                                                                                                                                   Project commenced in the month of November              achievers and they are supported by providing
                                                                                                                                   2020  under  the  guidance  of  Reliance                resources in the form of differential worksheets,
                                                                                                                                   Foundation  School  Academic  Council                   question banks and audio-visual aids.
        •  Seamless  transition  to  virtual  school  -  a      •  The school facilitates asynchronous learning by
                                                                                                                                   (RFSAC) collated the frequently encountered
            thoughtfully planned and implemented model              posting  pre-recorded  lessons,  PowerPoint                                                                        •  The digital library provides a seamless and rich
                                                                                                                                   doubts in the question papers by the students
            with the focus on student engagement and their          presentations,  audio-visual  resources,                                                                               reading experience and facilitates high-quality
            optimum learning                                        supplementary reading material, assignments                    during the board examination.                           reading to our students and staff irrespective of

                                                                    and worksheets.                                            •  The teachers curated a list of simulation videos         the disruption caused by the pandemic.
        •  The  Microsoft  Teams  for  Education  on  the
                                                                                                                                   to illustrate scientific concepts to the students.
            Office  365  Education  suite,  serves  as  the     •  Teachers have prepared, collated and curated                    These videos are mapped to the curriculum to        •  The digital library actively shares eBooks, PDFs,
            platform for virtual school.                            various  high-quality  resources  like  videos,                                                                        website links and authentic articles on various
                                                                                                                                   meet  the  needs  of  the  students.  The  virtual      facets of education with the staff and students. It
        •  Teachers are continually trained and mentored            weblinks,  PDF  documents,  tasks,  activities,                laboratory provides the students with a chance          also provides access to various digital libraries to
            to use the technology effectively and provide a         assignments and projects to enhance students'                  to perform experiments using the internet and           the students, faculty and admin members.
            seamless learning experience to all students.           learning experiences.                                          visual  aids  without  having  the  equipment  at
                                                                                                                                                                                       •  Life skill classes are designed to address gender
                                                                                                                                   their end.
        •  Our  teachers  continued  their  learning  by        •  The school successfully conducted Periodic and                                                                          sensitivity, value education, time management,
            acquiring Microsoft Innovative Educator and             Unit Tests, Assessments, and Term Examinations             •  Teachers create podcasts that help the students          study skills, stress management, internet safety,
            Adobe Creative Educator certifications.                 for all students using, a secure exam                 to learn at the pace that they choose. Students         interpersonal  skills,  bullying,  growing-up
                                                                    platform,  and  Microsoft  Forms.  Teachers                    who miss the class also use these podcasts to           challenges and common issues of adolescents.
        •  Students have been actively engaged in learning
                                                                    provided  timely  and  effective  feedback  to                 cover up the lesson.
            through a suite of learning tools employed by the                                                                                                                          •  “Ummang”,  a  celebration,  with  a  designated
            educators, such as OneNote, Class Notebook,             students  using  these  tools  to  reinforce  the          •  Morning assemblies, dance and music classes              theme  is  held  for  all  the  teaching  and  non-
                                                                    learning process.
            Adobe  Spark,  Stream,  Yammer,  SharePoint,                                                                           were held virtually, and participation in online        teaching staff every month. The entire staff gets
            Flipgrid,  Polly,  Mindmeister,  Prezi  etc.  The   •  Collaborative Library Project/School Library                    cultural  festivals  and  competitions  was             an opportunity to express themselves through a
            virtual  environment  also  enabled  teachers  and      Project  commenced  on  21  September  2020,                   encouraged and supported by the teachers.               variety of creative forms, such as singing, dancing
            students to explore creative content development        under  the  guidance  of  Reliance  Foundation             •  The  school  takes  every  measure  possible  to         and  other  performing  arts.  Birthdays  of  the
            using Adobe Spark for Education.                        School  Academic  Council  (RFSAC),  in                        understand the needs and requirements of the            month are also celebrated in the event.

        •  The school provides students with a blended              collaboration  with  librarians  and  teaching                 students in the virtual classes. To provide the     •  Covid awareness sessions were organised for
            learning experience every day – a fine blend of         faculty  of  Reliance  Foundation  Schools,                    low achievers with timely extra help to complete        the students, teaching and non-teaching staff
            synchronous  instruction,  asynchronous                 collated the educational resources for classes 1               their work, remedial classes are initiated in most      to assist them in handling challenging situations
            resources support and assessment practices.             to 12 from authentic websites.                                 of the subjects.                                        constructively.

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