Page 164 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 164

The Charm of Change                           Change is Fated

                                                                                                                                              I am always there                     Here we are, withstanding the oddest of odds that life
        Globalisation at Crossroads                                                                                                 An unnoticed integral part of your life,        gives  us  amidst  the  most  capable  and  revolutionary

        with COVID-19                                                                                                                  Sometimes I appear a gift to you             minds  of  all  times.  Well,  change  doesn't  have  a
                                                                                                                                        But I do bring strainand strife.            definition. Changes sometimes may mean letting go of
        "I feel so serine I feel so pure, this disease got me a cure.” The inhuman                                                   This is because I have many brothers           the old and becoming something new while sometimes
        activities of man had not only destroyed me, but also left me lifeless                                                      And sisters of the same name 'Change',          it may reflect one revamping itself from the old one. As
        and now I am full of life yet again. My companions, the animals and                                                        Each has a different emotion and motive,         the  saying  goes,  “Nothing  remains  the  same  and
        birds, that were trapped in cages by the humans, are living freely and                                                     Presenting you a really remarkable range.        forever”. Here, when we talk about changes, it isn't only
        the mankind have got themselves into this self-imposed quarantine.                                                                                                          about  humans  or  their  hearts,  it  comprehends  every
                                                                                                                                            I am no one new today
        The static mankind has helped me flourish and it has given me a                                                                                                             little thing. Be it science, feelings, nature, knowledge,
                                                                                                                                    I have helped life evolve from the past,
        dynamic aspect. It's a complete makeover, all my favourite colours,                                                                                                         technology  or  people,  they  are  all  bound  to  change
                                                                                                                                     My whole-sole purpose has ever been
        blues and greens look so beautiful on me. This Corona Virus has                                                                                                             sooner or later. While some changes are convivial and
                                                                                                                                    Explaining you the meaning of contrast
        increased my lifespan. l am not the only one who is flourishing and                                                      Scientific discoveries have brought me about       undemanding,  others  can  be  toilsome  to  accept.
        recovering. The humans are confined to their houses and are still      Lakshmi Shankar - IX A                                                                               Changes are so much more than just an essential part of
                                                                                                                                   The innovations and inventions so great,
        connected to the world. This is because the human race had put in a                                                                                                         life that pays off in either the best of the best or worst of
                                                                                                                                   Thinkers and writers have with no doubt
        lot of efforts to build up a strong technological system before this crisis                                                                                                 the worst. If changes were non-existent, how would our
                                                                                                                                        Commanded me to accelerate.
        which  has  amazed  me.  The  way  my  little  children  are  attending                                                                                                     lives be? Certainly, the answer is unexciting and void.
        classes without stepping out of their house is uniform. I was also                                                          There has been constant modification            Someone once precisely said, “Changes should never be
                                                                                                                                       In the people who ruled the land,
        pleasantly surprised to see people valuing their family and taking out                                                                                                      unwelcome. No matter how difficult they are or how
                                                                                                                                      History tells us about great leaders
        time to bond and strengthen their relationship. Though the social                                                                                                           easy they must be, with all your might, accept them and
                                                                                                                                       Who always made me look grand.
        world has slowed down, but people have learned to retrospect their                                                                                                          embrace them with a warm hug”. With change comes
        doings. I can see that this virus has taught the humans to live in peace                                                   From pigeons to telegrams to telephones,         growth. A person devoid of growth is like a pen without
        and harmony. It has also taught people how to save and conserve as                                                            Internet is where you have reached,           ink; both become useless. Changes are always for good,
        they have learned the value of things. There might be many positives,                                                          From carts to ships and aircrafts            they  take  place  every  moment.  A  beautiful  saying,”
        but it must be kept in mind that it is still a disease, although a good evil                                                  The old lifestyle has been breached.          Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle but
        for me but a bad dream for the mankind who are trying to get rid of. It                                                        I am gradually becoming dynamic              gorgeous at the end”, shall always remind us that change
        has led to the death of many of my innocent children. I cannot see the                                                            Affecting your life each day              is inevitable and should be confronted with all vitality.
        misery the migrants are going through in this scorching heat and the                                                     But you must flow with the blow of the wind        Shifa Momin - IX A
        discomfort they are facing. Moreover, it has caused great harm to the                                                             And not in one place stay.
        economic world. There are so many people who are dying of hunger
                                                                               Diya Mahajan - XII C                                   Accepting me can be hard at times
        and  Poverty  due  to  Lockdowns.  Then  there  is  also  the  factor
                                                                                                                                   But generations over the years have stood
        unemployment which is playing on the minds of the people giving
                                                                                                                                      Don't be afraid to accept my charm
        them immense stress and pressure. Though this is a tough battle, the
                                                                                                                                 Because whatever happens, happens for good.
        humans are fighting back beautifully. Not to forget the contribution
        of doctors, nurses, police officials and all the people who are putting                                                           Sukriti Choudhary - XI A
        their lives at risk in order to help the masses. I am so thrilled to see the
        selfless efforts for the betterment of others. We should accept that this
        disease in the positive strive and get rid of this situation as soon as
        possible, since I feel that the people have learned their lesson. Now I
        would love for them to get back with their lives and I would love to
        have my children back the way they are meant to be. While physically
        everything seems to have come to a standstill, but virtually everyone
        is as mobile as ever.
        Siya Sabherwal - XII A

                                                                               Komal Shah - XI C                                 Om Dhamane - X B                                             Prantik Saha - X A
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