Page 100 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2020-21
P. 100

I Am Ready                                                                      Effect of Deforestation                                        pirvat-na jaIvana ka ihssaa

                                               A strange wind is coming from the west. It smells of change. As it gently       on the Environment                                             maoro Pyaaro daostaoM Aaja maOM Aapkao batanaa caahta hUÐ ik jaIvana
                                               blows my hair, I feel my unanswered questions fade. I don't remember
                                                                                                                               Forests play an important role in human life. Forests help     maoM pirvat-na ka iktnaa mah%va hO.maOMnao [sa mahamaarI ko samaya
                                               them anymore their answers don't matter. A tickling feeling over my
                                                                                                                               remove pollution from air and keep our environment clean.      maoM BaI Apnao samaya ka bahut AcCa ]pyaaoga ikyaa.kaoraonaa ko
                                               face males my bare skin come to life when I know that it is my very soul
                                                                                                                               But  nowadays  people  are  cutting  forests  for  their  own   samaya maoM jaba sabakuC baMd qaa AaOr baahr jaanaa BaI manaa qaa eosao
                                               that is actually awaking from a long, deep sleep.
                                                                                                                               purpose like farming, building houses, to set up industries    samaya maoM saBaI baccaaoM kI trh maOM BaI duKI hao gayaa qaa.ifr maOMnao
                                               Winds of Change...Now I know I had been long waiting for you. I am              and for other activities.                                      saaocaa ik @yaaoM na [sa samaya ka sadupyaaoga ikyaa jaae.ifr
                                               ready.                                                                                                                                         maOMnao Gar maoM rKI Aa[sk`Ima kI puranaI lakiD,yaaoM sao ApnaI psaMd
                                                                                                                               By doing this we are progressing, but this progress comes on
                                               Aarush Amit Ghodake - III B                                                     the cost of our environment. Due to deforestation, global      kI vao saBaI caIjao,M banaa[-M ijanhoM maOM [sa kizna samaya maoM yaad kr
                                                                                                                                                                                              rha qaa jaOsao ek bagaIcaa¸ svaIimaMga pula¸ icaiD,yaaGar¸ fama-
                                                                                                                               warming is increasing and floods, droughts, soil erosion,
                                                                                                                                                                                              ha]sa Aaid.[na caIjaa,oM kao banaanao ko baad maOM [na saBaI ko saaqa
                                                                                                                               cyclones are becoming very common.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Kolata qaa AaOr Apnaa mana bahlaata qaa.
                                                                                                                               If we want to progress holistically, then we need to take care
                                                                                  maora daost                                  of our environment. We should plant more trees and not         daostaoM maOM yahI khnaa caahta hUÐ ik pirvat-na hmaaro jaIvana
         Adwit Chandra - I A                                                                                                                                                                  ka AMga hO [sailae iksaI BaI samaya kao baura nahIM maananaa
                                                                                                                               cut them. If we will not take care of our environment, then    caaihe.hmaoM ]sa samaya sao saIK laonaa caaihe.
          Fighting the Coronavirus Pandemic                                    maora daost hO Baaolaa¹Baalaa¸                  the environment will not take care of us.
                                                                               hO vaao gaaora nahIM hO kalaa.                                                                                 Garvit Patni - II B
          Before, we were free. So, the animals were not free.                                                                 Aavya Mishra - II A
                                                                                hO vaao daost maora saccaa¸
          Now, we are not free. So, the animals are free.                    hO vaao mana ka bahut hI AcCa.
          We are not going out because the coronavirus is there,
          but we will fight the coronavirus together.                         saaro kama krta vaao JaTpT¸                                                                              Winds of Change
          We will win.                                                        laoikna hO vaao qaaoD,a naTKT.                                                                           2 years ago I was all alone,

          Aahana Sen Sharma  - I A                                              kalao Ganao hOM ]sako baala¸                                                                           Didn't had anyone to play with along.
                                                                              imalakr macaato hma hOM Qamaala.
                                                                                                                                                                                       I was Papa's little princess and Mamma's little doll,
                                                                                ek idna vaao gayaa igar¸                                                                               Would throw tantrums all day long.
                                                                         ]sako Ganao baalaaoM nao bacaa ilayaa ]saka isar.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Then my Wind of Change came like a birdsong,
                                                                              nahIM hO vaao ibalkula BaI raogaI¸                                                                       When my cute little baby sister was born.
                                                                              ]sako iKlaaOnao hOM ]pyaaogaI.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Though after she came all my freedom was gone,
                                                                                vaao hO maora saccaa saaqaI¸                      Anjanideb Rout - III C                               And  the  girl  who  used  to  be  naughty  became
                                                                              ek idna hmanao doKa haqaI.                                                                               responsible lifelong.
                                                                                 nahIM Drto hma caUho sao¸                                        कोरोना                               But still I'm happy in sharing my toys, as now I have
                                                                                 caUha Drta hO hmasao.                                                                                 my own personal little toy.

                                                                               Yash Thapar - IV B                                        कोरोना आया, सबको साथ लाया                     Thank you.
                                                                                                                                  दषण को दर भगाया, आसमान म  तारे  दखलाया।
                   Ahana Das - 2B                                                                                                                                                      Mansi Mattar - III B

                                                                                                                                                 चाद को ह सया।
                              maorI maaÐ                                                                                                 कोरोना आया, सबको साथ लाया
                                                                            The Earth Poem
                         kama krtI hOM vaao JaTpT¸                                                                                           सफ़ाई का मह व बताया,
                        maOM hUÐ ]nakI PyaarI naTKT.                     Save, save, save, save our Earth.                       दो फ ट दर रहकर भी सबको साथ रहना  सखाया।
                           vaao hOM baD,I hI PyaarI¸                      Use bicycles, not fuel-vehicles.                                 कोरोना आया अब बहत हआ,
                           maOM hUÐ ]nakI dulaarI.                       Save, save, save, save our Earth.                           कोरोना-कोरोना कछ करने का समय आया।
                                                                       Don't cut trees and plant some seeds.                                        ु
                            vaaoo hOM baD,I BaaolaI¸               Trees give us oxygen and that's how we live,                            ान को बढ़ाकर, दवाए  बनाकर
                         iKlaatI mauJao purna paolaI.
                                                                And also, we should not pollute our environment.                           जान बचाने का समय आया।
                          Gar kI vaao raoTI maokr¸                       Save, save, save, save our Earth.
                   kayaa-laya jaatI mauJao Gar kI caabaI dokr.                                                                       कोरोना कछ और नह ं, यह तो बीमार  ह।
                                                                               Aaruv Saxena - I A
                       Ritika Senapati - III B                                                                                                Angel Suthar - III A                          Shivang Bodake - I C
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