Page 109 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith
P. 109

This year the highlight of our                                                                                                                                                                                              Morning  assemblies  were conducted  independently  by  our  young
                                                                    curriculum          was        to                                                    To inculcate an appreciation                                                                                                          learners under the supervision and guidance of teachers. Topics like
                                                                    incorporate              coding                                                      for our rich culture and                                                                                                              seasons, community helpers, festivals were showcased. The children
                                                                    activities in all the subject                                                        traditions, a  number of                                                                                                              exhibited their confidence and talent and learnt the art of public

                                                                    areas     to    build     logical                                                    festivals  including  Easter,                                                                                                         speaking with confidence.
                                                                    thinking                     and                                                     Raksha                 Bandhan,
                                                                    problem-solving skills. The                                                          Gokulashtami,                                                                                                                         The school  exhibition  "Earth-an Inspiration"  displayed beautiful
                                                                    children      became       more                                                      Independence                 Day,                                                                                                     models and chart work made by the students with the help of their

                                                                    creative, confident,  and                                                            Ganeshotsav,           Dusshera,                                                                                                      parents.  The  exhibition showcased  various  projects  and models
                                                                    independent and learnt the                                                           Diwali,      Eid,     Christmas,                                                                                                      prepared by the students as a  part  of their project-based learning
                                                                    art of coding through the set                                                        Makar        Sankranti        and                                                                                                     methodology. The students enthusiastically participated in the
                                                                   of rules and instructions.                                                            Republic Day were celebrated                                                                                                          exhibition, displayed their exhibits and talked about their projects

                    Montessori and EPL sessions were an integral part of our curriculum                                                                  with great fervour. The importance of festivals was communicated                                                                      confidently. The parents witnessed the creativity, talent and
                    that facilitated  our  tiny  tots to do  daily  tasks  with ease and                                                                 through assemblies skits, storytelling, songs and role-plays.                                                                         applauded their performances.
                    independence. The children actively learnt these simple yet
                    important activities that helped in developing their gross  motor                                                                    This year a lot of emphasis was laid on cleanliness and a green                                                                       ‘Have Fun with Sports day’ was a well-organised event. The tiny tots

                    coordination and fine motor                                                                                                                                                           environment. During the                                                              participated with full fervour and enthusiasm. The races were
                    skills. The activities like rolling a                                                                                                                                                 cleanliness parade, the tiny                                                         designed  around  the core theme “Fitness  and Cleanliness”. The
                    mat,       sponging,         pouring,                                                                                                                                                 tots were dressed up as                                                              action song  related  to sports  was sung  melodiously  by  the  UKG
                    pounding, sorting etc. were                                                                                                                                                           objects of personal hygiene                                                          students  while the LKG performed  a well-coordinated  drill.  The

                    taken      to     enhance        their                                                                                                                                                like     soap,     toothpaste,                                                       students participated in fun races and won medals for the same.
                    confidence.                                                                                                                                                                           toothbrush, hand sanitiser.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hands-on             activities,                                                     Our tiny tots were an integral part of the Annual day and were well
                    Many interesting and important                                                                                                                                                        puppet  show,  storytelling                                                          in sync with the theme “Virasat – Let’s create a New Tomorrow”.

                    topics of General Awareness                                                                                                                                                           and      songs     were      the                                                     The spectacular performance by the tiny tots manifested Love and
 Pre-primary education is an important stage that lays the foundation for life-long learning   were  covered  through                                                                                     highlights of No Plastic                                                             Laughter which was well appreciated by the audience.
 and whole-person development and serves as the starting point of formal education. Our   exploration and experimentation                                                                                 Day.

 tiny tots who initiated their learning in this academic year were curious, inquisitive and   methodology.  The  children
 interested in exploration. The nurturing and congenial environment was provided to tiny   acquired knowledge and explored the cause and effect relationship   Picture talks were conducted using innovative teaching strategies to
 tots to construct knowledge on their own and learning objectives and outcomes were met in   through a hands-on activities approach.                     help children  enhance their vocabulary, communicate and share
 a stress-free and happy environment.                             Excursion trips were arranged                                                          their ideas about the pictures

 The main focus was to develop literacy skills in the English Language. The scientific and   to  make virtual learning                                   on display. This proved to be
 structured approach of our reading and writing programme helped our young learners to   joyful.  The  excursion  trips                                  an effective tool to enhance
 read and write simple words and sentences independently. This programme also built a   to Reliance fresh, Fire                                          learning      through      simple
 strong foundation  of phonic sounds through actions and movements. The storytelling,   Station,  Traffic  park,                                         illustrations and situations

 rhymes and puppet shows also played a very important role in developing language and   Nature Walk at RCP and                                           highlighted  in the picture.
 proved an effective tool to learn and understand the language and to comprehend the same.  Mango  garden  were                                          The hands-on experience
                                                                    wonderfully organised and                                                            was given through  picnic,
 To develop simple logical concepts in mathematical literacy, the children were engaged in   thoroughly enjoyed by all.                                  beach and library setups to

 hands-on activities. They learnt skills of comparison, estimation, reasoning and problem                                                                enhance learning.
 solving etc. through age-appropriate  games and activities using teaching aids and

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