Page 3 - Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane - School Magazine - Zenith 2021-22
P. 3
Scavenge for Pinnacle
The end is feared, but its precursor is not. The blazing threat of the
Sun celebrated, but the survivors who fly closest to it are not. Those
who are gone are remembered, but their claviger not. They
regenerate. They rejuvenate. Labelled as weened destroyers; they are
the fabled creators. Always shunned by society, yet for generations,
they have been eviscerating affectionately. Onyx eyes look far, set
sight and teach man hence. So be a vulture- be sharp, focused, and
trust your instincts. Be a vulture- and know life may appear gloomy
and twisted but it is actually a gift.
Sore wings, devilled beaks
soar upon dead deserts to
claim zenith ablaze.
Nishka Moghe and Riddhi Sharma 11 C